Sharmila Kulasekaram's Resume
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Sharmila Kulasekaram

100 Western Avenue, Apt # 0-12
Kalamazoo,MI 49008
Phone # : (616)387-6102


To seek a challenging career as a Software Professional in the analysis, design and development of Relational Database Management System Applications(RDBMS)and dynamic web development.


Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer Information Systems(December 1998)
Minor: Business and Communications
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan(Major GPA:3.66/4.0)

Course Work

Major Courses: ORACLE, Visual Basic, System Analysis and Design, Quantitative Methods, Internship in CIS,
Applied CIS Development Project, Independent Study, Web Design, COBOL
Training Course: ORACLE PL/SQL Programming, Forms 4.5


Intern Windows NT Administrator and VBA Programmer/Analyst, Pavilion Systems(May- September '98)

Internship involved converting Access '97 databases targeted for clients in the automobile and manufacturing industry into dynamic web databases for use on a company's intranet.Worked independently for the company as the site and database administrator in Santa Clara,CA.Duties involved configuring hardware, TCP/IP connectivity, installing softwares, monitoring access and setting security protection.
Environment: VBScript,Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Microsoft Workgroup Administrator

Research Assistant,Department of Business Information Systems (January - April '98)

Conducted research, documented research papers and constructed system designs using CASE tools, Visible Analyst.
Grader for Managemnt Information Systems, a core course in the information systems curriculum.
Environment: CASE Tools, Windows 95

Business Intern Agent, Northwestern Mutual Life, Grand Rapids(May-August '97)

Designed an insurance database for an insurance agent using MS-Access '97. In addition, prepared sales presentations and spreadsheets for insurance agent's clients using Power Point 5.0 and Excel 5.0.Provided customer service and support and conducted business field trips with agent.
Environment: MS-Access '97, Windows 95

Lab Specialist,University Computing Services,Western Michigan University (January '96 - April '97)

Responsibilities included overseeing students use of software applications and operating systems.Provided consultation, trouble shooting and assistance in maintenance of hardware equipment.
Environment: Windows 95, Sun Sparc, Macintosh, VAX/VMS

Bigelow Hall Executive Member, Hall Improvements Coordinator,Western Michigan University (September - December '95)

Created a database in Access that stored records of student activities and proposals that encouraged dormitory resident's participation on-campus.Attended a leadership seminar with other executive members.
Environment:MS-Access,Windows 95

Technical Skills

Databases: Oracle 7.0,Oracle Forms 4.5, MS-Access '97

Programming: PL/SQL,Visual Basic 5.0, VB Script,HTML,COBOL

Operating Systems: Windows NT,Windows 95, Unix, Windows 3.1, MS-DOS,VAX/VMS

Platforms: IBM PC,Apple Macintosh,Sun Sparc

CASE Tools: Visible Analyst, System Architect, CPM/PERT

Applications: MS-Office Professional Edition, HTML Authoring, Minitab,Microsoft Workgroup Administrator,Microsoft Outlook


Oracle Application Developer

Currently developing an inventory management system project for Vik Consulting using Oracle 8.0, PL/SQL and Forms 4.5 as an interface.

Quantitative Methods/Decision Support and Expert Systems (September '98 - Current)

Currently undertaking a project for Crowe Chizek with a team of 20 members.Project involves design and implementation of a database in Oracle 7.0 and MS-Access and generating dynamic reports for Crowe's clients. Softwares being used are Oracle 7.0, Forms 4.5,Visual Basic 5.0,Crystal Reports,System Architect CASE Tool,HTML and Front Page 98.

System Analysis and Design (May - July '98)

Project Leader in designing a system proposal for Pharmacia and Upjohn's legacy system move towards Windows NT with a team of five members.Softwares's used included CASE Tools,Visible Analyst and Visual Basic 5.0.MS-Access was used to create the database for the system.

Web Design (January - April '98)

Co-project leader in designing a web page forKalamazoo Right To Life,,a non-profit organization.Designed an interactive web page for a Decision Support and Expert Systems course using HTML and Java Applets. URL:

Database(September - December '97)

Developed a clinical database in ORACLE 7.0 for the Sindecuse Health Center,Western Michigan University.Queries were implemented using SQL,PL/SQL and Oracle Forms 4.5 as an interface.Developed a querying mechanism that allowed users to interact, retrieve and manipulate information from the database.

Information System Design(September - December '97)

Designed and implemented a demographic tracking system with a team of seven members for Wal-Mart Incorporated.Created a database using MS-Access and Enlighten (marketing software application) as an interface.

MAPICS XA AS/400 Visual Basic Development Project (January - April '98

Developed a production planning project in the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab,Western Michigan University using IBM's AS/400 operating systems,MAPICS software and Visual Basic.

Honors and Achievements
    Training Certificate in PL/SQL Programming,Vik Consulting (September '98)
    Member of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals)
    Certificate of Appreciation, University Computing Services,Western Michigan University (February '97)
    Letter of Acceptance,University Computing Services,Western Michigan University (August '95) for having a high GPA.
    Dean's List,Western Michigan University (Summer '94, Winter '95, Summer '95, Summer '98)
    Certificate of Accrediation,Royal London Board of Music Examinations,West Malaysia (November '89)