Lesbian mums are pretty cool! (The homepage of a pretty normal lesbian!)
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Lesbian mum's are pretty cool!

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My worst habit

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Positive Power Page!

My OLD journal!

Other People’s Pages:

My wife ‘Beany’s’ page!

My bent sister’s page!

Yep, you figured it out- I'm a lesbian and a mum!
(How did that happen?!)

Just some basic stuff about me

My name is Khyrin, I live in a suburb near Camden, which is about an hour South-West of Sydney, Australia. I was born in 1969, so you can figure out how old I am if you know what year it is! I am a teacher, a career with which I have a love-hate relationship. (I especially love it when school holidays are on!)

I am an out lesbian, and ‘married’, (although it’s still not legal in Australia- backward-1950’s-liberal-government-ed place!!), to Beany, and we have a reasonable new and large mortgage!. We are the proud co-parents of Kate, our beautiful daughter, and slaves of 3 cats. (Want to sit in the most comfortable seat in the house? Just move one of the cats!) We also have 2 pugs named ‘Missy Tim Tam’ and 'Princess Pollywaffle'. They like to think they own the place, but in reality the cats give them a run for their money!

I have two younger sisters, and all three of us are lesbians. Just thought that might be statistically interesting to someone interested in that sort of thing! And hey, at least we’ll be supportive daughters if mum ever ‘comes out’!!! *grin*

The Dyke, her Wife, their Child,

3 Cats and 2 pugs!

LOOK …… I am a lesbian, I’m uh, 'cuddly' sized, my wife and I have 'interesting' mental health histories, our child is a Pisces, I teach small children, I work for the government, I have a huge mortgage, a crappy car with no air conditioning, I have 5 animals that think they own the place, an ex-husband, and I suffer from having to do all the ‘butch’ jobs around the house!!! …


Apr 01 | May 01 | Jun 01 | Jul 01 |

Aug 01 | Sep 01 | Oct 01 | Nov 01 | Dec 01 |

Four ways of contacting me!! *g*

ICQ - # 149300219

email me!

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lesbians are coming out of the closet!