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Ode to a Shy Poet


Oh caring spirit that you are illumed in fascination
Articulate in your own right yet fraught with hesitation
You marvel at words crafted and displayed within this frame
And yet to me, your offerings are very much the same

You have a way of weaving words reflecting your own style
I haven't read a lyric yet that didn't make me smile
The compositions you have writ now lay upon a shelf
Eloquence personified - you've placed them there yourself

I have to wonder what's inside, what magic do you hold
Enchanted verses hiding there, dreams and thoughts untold
Too few the bards with aptitude for writing wonderous verse
I hate to think that modesty is your impending curse

Precocity and wit and charm exude through your discord
Judiciously, with reverence, you've chosen every word
Creations that would surely envy poets of the past
Endearing pieces of your heart, may they forever last!

© Riverdance 05/15/98

Note: This poem was a gift from a wonderful poet, Riverdance.
I want to thank this special person. I loved this poem
and it meant a great deal to me to receive it.

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