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Malkav wrote this interesting tidbit about the way the world really works. Hope you like.

If you happen to think that the world is nothing but a great big glass of orange juice on a bright sunny day, you're in for a big surprise.

See the way I see it, we're all nothing more than germs on a living thing bigger than we will ever be.

Ok, let me take it from the top.

You got the smallest things there are, they're called quarks. They're the things that make up electrons. They orbit each other just like the electron orbits its neutrons.

Then, after you take all those electrons and neutrons (and throw in some protons for good measure) and you get an atom.

Throw some atoms together (orbiting each other like so) and you get a molecule,

throw a bunch of molecules together, (get them all moving nice and pretty like too) and you get a thing. Like water. Or glass.

Now, all these things together, clumped onto each other like dirt on an egg, makes a planet, which orbits a sun. And a bunch of planets together make a solar system.

(Do you see what I'm getting at yet?)

Take a bunch of solar systems together, throw in some stars, nebulas, and other random pieces of galactic junk, spin them around a central point, call it the galactic center, and you get a galaxy.

Take a bunch of galaxies together, twist them up in an orbiting pattern and you get a galactic cluster.

Notice something? All these things I just described to you are pretty much the same anent they? Just little things circling things, forming a bigger whole, and then redoubling. A galaxy is just an atom. Only on a much bigger scale.

So, remember that glass of orange juice I asked you about? It ante orange juice. It's root beer.

And it's spilled all over the floor.

And one day, someone, in the galaxy in which our own Milky Way is just an atom of, someone is gonna wipe up the spilled root beer. Then it's all over.

Just a thought.

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