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Index Dutch Bronze Age
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Samara, the largest archeosite in the north of France

Samara, c’est le nom gaulois du fleuve Somme qui traverse le département et qui a donné son nom en 20 après J.-C. à la ville d’Amiens (Samarobriva, “le passage sur la Somme”).

Samara is originally a Gaullish name for the river Somme which flows through the province and that gave its name to the city Amiens (Samarobriva, “the passage over the Somme") about 20 B.C.E..

Samara is een van oorsprong Gallische naam voor de rivier de Somme die door de provincie stroomt en die 20 v.C. zijn naam heeft gegeven aan de stad Amiens (Samarobriva, “de oversteekplaats over de Somme").

Samara is a 30-hectare property, composed of: 
- a 1,600-square-meter exhibition area split in two permanent exhibitions;
- prehistoric demonstrations and activities; 
- workshops for groups.


La Chaussée - Tirancourt
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Below: The Oppidum known as " the Caesar Camp" of la Chaussée-Tirancourt, is a 20-hectare headland jutting out between the Somme Valley and the Acon. The pieces of furniture gathered during the excavations set its use between 40 and 20 B.C.E., after the roman conquest. 

How to reach the museum

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