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Index Dutch Bronze Age
Index first farmers in the Netherlands

Images of Alésia

More information about Alésia
Alésia - the battle against the Romans (1)
Alésia - the battle against the Romans (2)
After Alésia

Basket with iron rings found on the bottom of a pit, excavated in 1906.
Gallo-Roman, 47.5 cm high

Below: Impression of Gallo-Roman Alésia, at the beginning of the 2nd century C.E.

(and therefore after the Roman conquest!)











civil "basilic"


the hall of the butchers


the monument for Ucuetis

Dying Gaul, bronze, with Greek influences, found on the forum.
Gallo-Roman, 10 cm

Silver bowl, found in the ditches of Caesar 

An underground working place. Much has been written about these furnace-shaped constructions.
They are inside, in a hall and contain a square chalcolite part which stands on vertical bricks.
Underneath this part a fire was lit. So far 15 constructions like this one have been discovered on the Mont Auxois, where Alésia is still situtated.
First archaeologists thought they were small dolmen, later bread-furnaces.
The latest opinion is that they were drying installations for the bronzecasters moulds.

These 2 bronze busts have been discovered near a bronze casting furnace.

Gaulish inscription with one Latin word, which shows the Gaulish spelling of Alésia: "ALISIIA".
The inscription might have a rural meaning; "VCVETE" means "Ucuetis"; a god who protects the bronze casters.
MARTIALIS (Latin) means "sacrificer", DANNOTALOS= "his dad"
Found at the "Forum", 1st century B.C.E., 50 X 34 cm. The words "IN ALISIIA" were coloured red (ochre?).

Another Gaulish inscription in Greek letters: "DEDICACE DE SAMOTALOS". 
(dedicated to Samotalos?)
Probably before 52 B.C.E.


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