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Hello, Seems you have stumbled accross my web page. All I really have to offer you are a ton of links. And a page that i am working on that involves electronics. Please check out my links you might be very pleased you found this page. I am now living in the San Diego area in a town called El Cajon thats(EL CA-HONE) translated from spanish to english (the box). I love the internet not just surfing it but, learning about it. I am going to school to learn to be a Network Administrator. And some day I will go to a programing school to learn C++. I teach Digital and Electronics training for the NAVY. I love anything technical from Hardware to software. Oh, Iggy is my cat he is 13 years old and very very active. So this is my cats page sort of Iggy CAT page. Please sigh my quest book.
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I am making this site for people who are intrested in electronics

Electronics basic page.

Check it out give me your input

My Links Page

LINKS to a lot of resourses that i have used.

My Advertisers page

Purchase music airplane tickets etc.

My BookStore VIA Barnes And Nobles

Look for a book

My linux page

Starting my linux/unix page as i go to school for it.

Who is TUX
Always under construction
