Hello! Welcome to my page of supernatural. My name is Stella. I'm no psychic (or psycho). I'm just fascinated by all kinds of paranormal phenomena. I hope you enjoy my website!

Last update: Feburary 20, 2000.
A little note from me: Boy, feels like it's been AGES since I've visited this website myself. I am sure many of you must've wondered if I'd abandoned it. University life has kept me incredibly busy, especially for what I'm studying. The long awaited winter break has finally come, I thought this would be a very good chance for me to refresh this site and add new stuff to it. Some of it is REALLY old. I hope everyone is happy to see some changes are finally made. Once again, You're more than welcome to email me at stel@smileyface.com

If you are new to this site or you want to look at some of the old stuff, you can find it here at the Master Index

OK...now onto the all new stuff:

Extraocular Vision
Testing Your Psychic Gift
Can Drugs Enhance the Psychic Experience?

These are ghost stories written by people who personaly experienced it. If you have ghost stories you want to share, please email me.
The Ouija Problem
Torn Coffin
The Grave in the Woods
Grace on a Date
An Evil Sight
Ghost in the Dryer
Pennsylvania Ghost

The vampire section seemed to be the most popular one, so here are more vampire stories. Hope you are not scared *evil grin*.
Mortal Blood Drinkers of the Past
Vlad Dracula
The Blood Countess
Gilles de Rais
Fritz Haarman
John Haigh

Warning: the following stories have erotic contents, if you're offended by them, leave immediately, ok?
Love at First Bite
The Red Pentagram

I personally don't practice Witchcraft(maybe I'm too much of a realist and materialist, not spiritual enough *chuckles*), but I find it very intriguing and artistical. And I readily agree with the Law of "Do what thou wilt, and harm no one." I've received some emails from real Wiccans who complimented me for posting some accurate information about this belief. I'd like to say thank you.
How does one become a witch?
Do Witches Ride Broomsticks?
Do Witches Perform Sacrifices?
The Witch in the Tower

Links to other fine pages

My other website, Stella's homepage

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This page is still under construction, I have a lot of stuff to add, so please come back often.

Email me stel@smileyface.com