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Andrew's Page

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Wisdom Machine

Copyright 1997 MelonBall

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Riddles and Jokes

Spanish Wisdom Corner

For the Wise

BullFrog's Words of Stuff

Daystar's Insight on the Forgotten Realms Smurf Mennace



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Check it out
Check out the forgotten realms chatroom where I usually talk. I will be one of the following aliases: Artemus, Seline Suprie, or Daystar Silvertooth. Hope to see ya there.
1. Why do 24 hour mini marts have locks on the door?
2. If Johny cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he still do it?
3. Why are there 10 mintute parking spaces in front of 1 hour photo shops?
4. Why do teachers ask students questions if they already know the answer?
Riddles & Jokes
1. Q. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
A. As much wood as a wood chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
2. Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. Wouldnt you if you were a chicken in front of KFC.
3. A horse walks into a bar and the bar tender says, "Why the long face?"
4. Q. If there is a family were the total number of brothers a son has is = to the number of sisters, and the number of sisters a daughter has times 2 is = to the number of brothers she has, how many children are in the family?
A. 7 children. 4 sons and 3 daughters.
If you know anymore email me
Spanish Wisdom Corner
1. No tengo queso rojo.
2. La manzana esta comiendo mi gato.
3. Tu papa es un mono.
For the Wise
1. It is said, that it is better to give then recieve. If you give love or friendship, you give as well as recieve.
2. Love and hate are like sitting at two tables were the spoons are to big to eat from. The only difference is that at the hate table they all go hungry, and at the love table they feed each other.
3. A wise person speaks from their heart. A foolish person speaks before they think.
4. The noblest of all never claim to be so.
5. If you stand alone for what is right, then you never stand alone.
6. Life is a walk down an uncharted path, with many forks, and different endings.
7. Being foolish can get you into trouble and pride will keep you there.
8. Be it ever so trying, theres no place like work.
9. The difference between bravery and cowardace is being able to face ones fears.

BullFrog's Words of Stuff

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1. If someone keeps messing with someone else and knows he will get hurt why does he still do it?
2. Don't Judge a person by what they do but by what they learn from it.
3. Live the day as if it is your last, plan as if it is the first day of the rest of your life.
4. The trying of your patience builds charactor...
5. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
6. What your Heart wants, your mind will find.
7. Life goes on with or with out you.
8. Life is a journey that begins with every step.
9. The world is round, so what ever direction you start off in, you will reach your destination.

Insight On The
Forgotten Realm's
Smurf Menace!
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Ahhh the smurfs. A great civilization of 3 inch blue creatures. They were origionally created by an evil mage to pleague the dimensions. Innebitably though, the smurf destroyed their master and began their own culture. They origionally moved to the nexus so the could have easy access to the realms. Soon they thrived and the smurf named papa, who led the revolution against the evil mage, became ruler. They kept their civilization going and soon spread throughout the realms, but not without out making enemies. the worshipers of BEAN and the smurfs are mortal enemies. The smurfs developed their own culture and religion. Infact, the FR chat room is directly above ancient smurf barriel grounds. Now adays, the papa smurf is chosen by the origional papa smurf who has become their god. The smurfs also posses certain inate abilities. For starters, they have the ability to nullify sound. This explains why some messages never get through. Also, they posses the ability to levitate 3 times per day. Smurfs can also cast many clerical spells. They can cast charm person once per day, but it only lasts for up to 2 rounds, or 2 minutes. Because creating a smurf took a lot of strain on the wizard who created them and because they give children only every 2 years, the wizard added something extra. Any being killed by a smurf automaticly becomes a smurf and is doomed to go through life as a smurf doing chaotic things. Smurfs have been known to live up to 200 years old. They mature around 15. Thus, smurfs should not be taken lightly. For they possess many tricks learned and passed down from generation to generation. They hunt for meat in packs. When they return from a hunt they have a feast and another smurf. That my friend is the tale of the smurf.

LaDieS anD gEntLemeN, HobOs aNd tramPs, EigHt lEgGeD sPidErS And BoW LeggEd anTs. I cOme bEfoRe yOu tO stAnD BehInD You tO teLL You AbOut soMeThinG I KnOW noTHinG aBoUt. OnE BrIGht dAy iN tHE miDDle oF the NIghT, Two dEAd boYs gOT uP to FigHt, baCk tO bACk tHeY fACed eacH otHeR, PulLeD oUt tHEre sWoRDs aNd sHOt eaCh OthER. A deAf pOlIce mAn hEard tHE nOisE, CaMe anD sHoT tHe TwO dEad bOyS. If You dONt bEliEvE tHis bIg fAT lIE aSK tHE BlINd mAn, hE SaW IT aLL...

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