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*~The Kingdom of Dream Goddess~*

Heya People, I haven't updated this page in so long that it's embarrassing but I'm doing a little work on it now.
This page is like 4 years old and I've not gotten very far with it. I'm lazy what can I say. Working on it now is even a far harder experience because my computer BLEW UP!! Damned electronics...can't live with 'em can't live without 'em!!

[ Click here and sign the book ] - [ Click here to read the book ]

Some of my friends.

Poems...Under Construction...bare with me!

New pictures here.

A page Dedicated to my dog Hank

Pictures of me and my brother when we were little

Dedication to Those Lost at Columbine

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UltraBoard...go here and register!!
Alex's page...go here he's a cool bean and I think you'll like it!
