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Edwulfs Lair True North

Edwulfs World Wide Webcams
Where i live...Halifax Nova Scotia
Text to Speech ( very funny and usefull)
View from space of earth ( Cool)
Halifax and the Titanic
NEW!! Mp3 Music Page
NEW!! Water Garden Page
The real Edwulf :)
Download Dancing baby Mpeg :)
Edwulfs Links
NEW!! Download Animals Screensaver
NEW!! Download X-Mas Elf Bowling Game...Excellent!!

Hello welcome to my little peice of cyber turf.This is my second web site and i think i am getting carried away now lol Anyways had a good summer and did some salt water fishing..none this big though!! Thanx to all my friends out there for their support.I promise to speed my pages up!! here is my latest web page with a nice Sunset As all ways you can look at my WebCam section called Edwulfs WebKamz Also check out this weather cam. With regards to the Swiss Air 111 in Nova Scotia here is a good link with information regarding the tradgedy in our region on Sept 3/98. On a lighter note i have sold out lol and put a Titanic Page and Halifaxs part in it. Any who thanx for dropping in and give your selves a whaleof a hug!! Or take a look at a Lake Effect of my city Halifax.Or my NEW Water Garden Page. Be sure to download my Animal screensaver i am sure you will like it.
As of Jan 2001
Edwulf :)
E-mail me if you want!

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