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Many people just regard Quake as a game, and it is, but it as one exception from any other game... it can be modified. This Site is aimed at helping people understand Quakes capabilities, and use this to enhance their enjoyment of Quake. This site also aims to provide you with many levels which you can download, all of which are home-made.

Level's to Download

Each of the following links will take you to certain category of levels. All the levels are deathmatch levels, designed for multi player games. If you do not have another computer which you can play 2 player quake on, then you can download Qbot which is a automated deathmatch opponent.

Here are the categories...

Aqua-Quake Levels Slime based Levels The Weird Levels Levels I have made

How to Install New Levels

After you have downloaded a level, you will find a file with the extension 'bsp', this type of file is called a bsp file (doh!). Now you have extracted that file from the zip file, find the quake directory and open it up. There should be a directory named ID1, open that directory too. Inside this directory there may be another directory named maps, if not, create one. Simply place the bsp file into this directory (which is normally c:\quake\ID1\maps), you now have installed your new level. All you have to do now is load up quake and play the level. This can be done by remembering the name of the bsp file (eg. toxicwst.bsp) and then typing MAP followed by the name of the level (eg. MAP toxicwst).

Web Site News

10th September 1998
Links page added. Today I will begin to search for levels for this site. Please send me any you have by email... I would love to try them out. Hope-fully I will be able to spend this weekend updating this site alot because lately I have been busy in other fields (women).

6th September 1998
New levels added... AquaQuake Mission Pack 1. It is my first email submitted posting. Please email me with your favourate quake levels, any levels posted will go up (only really crap levels are rejected).

5th September 1998
Site uploaded, it all begins today! First reviews made of my levels. Also added Aqua-quake, slime, Weird and my level themes.

4th September 1998
First levels added... Toxic Waste Plant, The Liquid, Water Palace, Toxic Waste Plant 2 (there all mine!!!!). The front page is beginning to look good, mabey i might be able to upload it tomorrow.

3rd September 1998
DARK QUAKE front page made. I have started the design of the graphics (important!), you can't beat a good graphic.

2nd September 1998
Today the DARK QUAKE website as been given the all clear and is ready to be made. After spending many months making Quake levels, I have finally decided to make a nice looking website.


Please email me your favourate levels, I will gladly post them onto this site.

Send Email to : DJ Reather email

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This page was designed and built by DJ Reather, updated on 10/9/98.
Thanks go to ID for making Quake, well done lads. Cheers to Yahn for making BSP