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into the heart & mind of a gemini

(last updated July 5, 2003)

"When we walk to the edge of
all the light we have,
And take a step into the
darkness of the unknown
We must believe one of two
things will happen,
There will be something solid
for us to stand on,
Or we will be taught to fly..."

As the head of this page indicates I am indeed Jen, and this is my page.
Regardless of what has brought you here I hope that you will enjoy all that may
be found. As you will soon figure out, I have a lot to say. But I do not expect
you to agree with my every thought, because that would make for a very dull
world. If you keep an open heart and mind you can at least respect my point of
view. "If you like it let it be, and if you don't please do the same."--Ani

Please send any poetry that you would like to submit for my page. I will post
as much as I can....and heh! don't forget to sign my NEW guestbook, and check out
some awesome links!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

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oh but there's so much more!

My Page Continued

Who the hell is this chick anyway?
Random Stuff about me
Rant of the Moment
My Livejournal
Ways to Contact Me
Custom Hemp Jewellery By Me
Musicians I Adore
poetry (some of these are my own)
homophobes be gone
Web Rings I'm In

Other LBGT links

Gay and Lesbian Community Centre of Edmonton

Club Casonova (The King of Drag Kings)
EGALE (excellent source for gay rights)
LEGIT-Canadian Immigration Task Force (Ottawa)

White Ribbon Campaign
Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide
And remembering those who we've lost
[ Mirror Site ]
Tina the Troubled Teen

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