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Many critics of Atlantis insist that, besides Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, there is no other independent evidence provided by ancient authorities on the matter. Nothing could be farther away from the truth. Indeed, the ancient myths and traditions of most nations center on the legend of the Flood and on the destruction of Paradise, the original focus of Civilization that is no other than Atlantis.

Now, the Terrestrial Paradise — and not the Celestial one, by the way —is the Garden of Eden where Man originated and first rose above the beasts of the field. However, we agree that the Terrestrial Paradise, despite its unequivocal reality, has been spiritualized by many, and hence can hardly be invoked as "hard" proof of the former existence of Atlantis.

For that purpose, we gathered in the present chapter some passages of ancient historians who wrote on Atlantis and related matters, hausting from sources and traditions independent of the ones utilized by Plato. We do it in a schematic, listed way, in order to facilitate the comparison. Of course, the concise style adopted here impossibilitates any explanations, and the themes touched are more study guides than anything else. The reader interested in further details is encouraged to quest the original sources or, if incapable of that, to read the more detailed accounts in other works of ours. The Pillars of Atlantis

The Date of 11,600 Before Present Cataclysms Directly Related to Atlantis

References to Atlantis in Worldwide Traditions

To end this summary exegesis of several myths on Atlantis from many parts of the world, a concluding word seems in order. When we compare the above and other accounts, we see that they all concern a primordial Paradise where humanity and civilization first started. And it is clear that this Paradise is far more than a fable. We are fully convinced that anyone who studies our work in detail with an open mind and heart will not fail to be convinced that Atlantis was in fact the same as Eden or Paradise.

We also believe that the dedicated student will find that Plato only briefly lifted the hem of the veil of Isis, and that the Atlantean tradition was the subject matter of the ancient Mystery Religions. These mysteries passed into Judeo-Christianism in a highly distorted form, becoming a mere chimaera. But myths, the superb legacy of our elders, are founded on actual fact. And that fact is the reality of Atlantis and its ineluctable location in the now sunken plains of the South China Sea, in the region of Indonesia. There lies Paradise Lost, which can be reborn if only we dare to believe in its reality. The time is now, when Aquarius is already dawning.

And who is Aquarius, pray? He is the Golden Boy, of whom Virgil speaks in his famous IV Eclogue, perhaps the most superb of all prophecies of the Millennium. Virgil's poem starts with the (Latin) phrase: Iam redit et Virgo! ("See! The Virgin returns!"). Yes, Aquarius is both the Golden Boy and the Golden Girl, for he is the Androgyne. The fusion of the two sexes indeed represents the reunion of the twin Atlantises separated from each other from the dawn of times. But now, they again reunite, Lamb and Wolf, to enjoy the last thousand years yet alloted this age, and to cause the Golden Age to revive. Prophecies do come true only because they are self-fulfilling. They are the "personifications of desire", the egregoras and kamarupas that only exist if we believe in them. Too bad for those who dont, for we will not allow them to take Aquarius away from us.

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