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Nehellenia: Nehellenia is associated, in Holland, with vegetation, dogs and the sea. She is always portrayed with a basket of apples. (Apples being symbolic of life and fertility; dogs with death.) Nehellenia was worshipped on the Dutch Frisian island, Walcheren, (now a part of the provence of Zealand). Nehellenia was invoked by sailors before they attempted to cross the North Sea to England.

Neptune: Neptune is the Roman God of the sea. His Greek counterpart is Poseidon.

Njörd: Njörd, (aka Njöror (old Norse)) is the Scandinavian God of winds, sea and fire, as well as the patron of "all riches". One of the functions of Njörd is to reconcile people. Njörd carried a magickal Axe. Unlike Aegir, Njörd brought good fortune to sailors as well as for those in the hunt. He was married to the giantess Skadi. His children are Freya and Freyr, whom he fathered by Nerthus who was reputed to be his sister. Njörd had a large following in Uppsala, Sweden. Njörd is invoked for prosperity.

Nut: Nut is the Egyptian Goddess of the sky.
