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Idun: Idun, (aka Idun, Iduna), is the Scandinavian Goddess of eternal youth and the keeper of the golden apples (of youth). She is also a Goddess of youth, fertility, and death. Her father is the giant and star-hero Ivalde, and her brother is Orvandil who was married to Sif. Idun is always shown as a sweet and naive maiden. She was once rescued by Loki, when she was kidnapped by the storm giant Thiazi. (Loki changed her into a nut, and carried her back to her hall.) Idun is married to the mortal turned Scandinavian God, Bragi. Idun's magickal items are apples, and she is invoked for longevity of life.

Imhotep: Imhotep is the Egyptian God of healing. He was originally a real man, whom, was elevated as a God. When alive, he was the builder of the step pyramid at Sakkara.

Isis: Isis is the Egyptian Mother Goddess. She is a Protectress of the home. Her mate is Osiris. Isis is considered to be the ideal woman, wife and mother. Invoke her for matters relating to the home and family.
