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Dagda, The: The Dagda (aka "The Rude Man Of Cerne") is the All-Powerful God of Ireland. The Dagda is a god of immense strength and appetites. He was depicted wearing a servant's garment, and carried a huge club. His phallus is erect. The Dagda had a magick cauldron which rejuvenated all who petitioned it; it was inexhaustible! At Samhain, The Dagda coupled with the Morrigan invoking her fertility to bless the tribe in the new year. The "Rude Man of Cerne" is a 220 foot carving into the chalk sub-surface in Cerne Abbas, England. Women who wish to conceive claim that by spending the night, lying within the chalk outline of his erect phallus, will help them, and their mate conceive a child.

Danu: Danu (aka Danann, Dana) is the major Irish Mother Goddess;Moon Goddess, as well as an aspect of the Morrigu. She is the patroness of wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity, magick, and wisdom;and is said to be the ancestress of the Tuatha De Danann. Probably the same Goddess as Anu.

Demeter: Demeter is the Greek Earth-Mother Archtype, she is the Goddess of agriculture, crops and all produce. She is invoked to insure an abundant harvest and also during birthing.

Diana: Diana is the Roman Goddess of the hunt, moon, beasts and wild-areas. Her Greek counterpart is Artemis.

Diana Of Ephesus: Diana Of Ephesus is the Amazon's multi-breasted Goddess of Heaven.

Dionysos: Dionysos (aka Dionysus) is the Greek God of ecstasy, wine and fertility.

Dis Pater: Dis Pater is the Roman God of death and the underworld. His Greek counterparts are Hades and Plouton.

Don: Don, (aka Domnu, Donn) is the Welsh Queen of the Heavens and Goddess of sea and air, and is the equivalent of the Irish Goddess Danu, and ruled over the Land of the Dead. Invoke Don for eloquence and control of the elements.

Druantia: Druantia, meaning "Queen of the Druids", is the Celtic Fir Goddess and Mother of the tree calender. Invoke Druantia for protection, knowledge, creativity, fertility, passion, sexual activities, and trees.
