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Caillech: Caillech, called the Veiled One, is the Celtic Great Goddess in her Destroyer aspect. She is invoked for disease, plague, cursing, and wheat.

Ceres: Ceres is the Roman Goddess of agriculture and fertility. Her Greek counterpart is Demeter.

Cerridwen: Cerridwen, (aka Caridwen, Ceridwen) is the Welsh Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess; she is also the Welsh Great Mother. Cerridwen is married to the giant Tegid and is the mother of a beautiful girl, Creirwy and an ugly boy Avagdu. In her magickal cauldron, she made a potion called greal; this potion was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge, and the Bard Taliesin is said to have drank of it.Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Invoke Cerridwe for rituals concerning death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, and knowledge.

Changó: Changó, (aka Shangó, Inquices: Nsasi, Insasi, Nkita, Nkitán Kitán, Kanbaranguanje,Insancio, Mukiamamuilo, Zaze, Kibuco Kirbrico, Kiassubangango, Nzage, Kambaranguanje ) is the Santería (Macumba, and Kongo) Orisha of Courage, Truth and intelligence; as well as being the Lord of fire, thunder, lightening, rain and (male) fertility. Changó is identified with St. Barbara and St. Gerome of the Catholic faith. He is wedded to Oya and they have nine children. His mother is Yemayah. He is thought of being shrewd, smooth-talking, kingly, and a con-artist; he is stimulated by challenge and he always wins against all odds. Shangó is depicted in a double-headed dance wand headress, called the oshe Sangó, and carries a double-headed axe which symbolizes his preparedness, and courage. He also carries the phallic mortar, or odo, in his right hand, and his totem animals are the black cat, quail and tortoise. He embodies the value of truth, and demands a young rooster as sacrifice.

Creiddylad: Creiddylad, (aka Cordelia, Creudylad)is the Welsh Goddess of summer flowers, and love. She is the daughter of the sea God Llyr, and is connected with Beltane and is often called the May Queen.

Cybele: Cybele (aka Kybele, Rhea) is the Greek Great Mother of the Gods. She is the leading deity of the Greek mystery religions. Her Consort is Attis, whom is also her grandson.

Cupid: Cupid is the Roman God of love, attraction, and the son of Venus. His Greek counterpart is Eros.
