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Now here is a new adventure game.I know u'll like it.Enjoy from this great game!!!Monkey Island 3:The Curse of Monkey Island


Part I: The demise of the zombie pirate LeChuck

You will find yourself in the body of a ship with Bloodnose. Talk to him, and you will learn that he is Wally (from MI2). He will give you a book called "Piracy - the LeChuck way". If you talk a little bit more to him he will break down and cry. Now go to the cannon and shoot the skeletons. After taking Wally´s plastic hook and the ramrod on the wall, take a look out of the window. Put the hook and the ramrod together to get a gaff, and fetch the skeleton arm swimming below the window with it. There´s a cutlass you get as a bundle with the skeleton arm. If you want, you can hit Murray, he will fall in the water. Now get back into the room. Use the cutlass to cut the cannon restraint rope. Then fire the cannon and see what happens. You will find yourself in the wrecked ship. Take the bag, it is full of wooden nickels, and the diamond ring behind the bag. You can take a look around this room, but there´s nothing more you need to take with you. Use the diamond to cut a hole in the porthole glass and see what happens.

Part II: The curse gets worse

Take the glowing ember (on a stick) near the shipwreck. If you like you can try to push the secret button near the bridge. Then go right and follow the path with the voodoo markings. Go to the shipwreck in the swamp and enter it. Take the pin that sticks in the voodoo doll and use the wooden nickels with the gum machine. Then pull the alligators tongue. Talk to the voodoo lady about Elaine. You will learn that she has been captured by pirates. The lady will tell you that the only thing to lift the curse is to replace the ring that cursed Elaine with one of even more beauty. That ring is to be found on blood island, and you need three things to get there and find the ring: A map, a ship and a crew. You also have to get Elaine back, who is captured by the pirates of Danjer Cove. After you learned everything you can from the lady, go to Puerto Pollo. Go to the theatre. Since the front door is closed, you´ll have to use the stage door. Take the glove from the pirate coat and have a look at the dandruff. Take the lice too. Then turn to the magic wand and use it on the magic hat. Take the book that will appear. It is "A-mfggh-C´s of Ventroliquism". Go right on the stage and try your new book on the actors. By talking to the actors, you learn that their agent may know how to get to blood island. The agent is in the beach club at the moment. Next, go to the "Barbery Coast". Put the lice on the comb the barber is using and see what happens. Sit down on the barber chair and let the haircut begin. Use the handle of the chair and take the paperweight from the hairstyling book. After the pirate vanished, use the handle until you can reach for the scissors. Take them and get out of the shop. By the way, don´t forget the jawbreaker on the floor. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE In the chicken shop, show your reservation slip and take the club card from the table. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Push the man at the table and take the bread knife from him. Now give the jawbreaker to the captain Blondebeard. Offer him some chewing-gum. Remember the pin from the voodoo lady? Use it right here on the bubble-gum. Take the gold tooth. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Now you´re ready to get the map to blood island. Go to the Brimstone Beach Club. The cabana boy will want to see your membership card, so show it to him. Before going to the beach, take three towels and put them in the ice bucket. Then use the wet towels with the cabana boy. Fetch the cooking oil and go on to the beach. The man you are searching is the sunbather. As you try to get to him, the hot sand stops you. Put the wet towels on it, and pass. If you open the gate near the sunbather, you don´t have to do that towel stuff every time you want to go to the beach. Get the mug from Palido Domingo, and go to the lemonade shop. Replace the bottomless mug with yours and buy a drink. Take the pitcher the shopkeeper left on the table and fill it with the red dye from the dye vats near the lemonade shop. Go back to the beach. Give the bottomless mug to Palido, then use the red dye with the mug. Palido will turn over and there, on his back, is the map to blood island. Now (yes it´s hard, but there´s no other way) use the cooking oil on Palidos back. You now can pick up the map. Next we will get the crew. All the three barbers will join you, but each of them wants to be convinced that you are a worthy captain. The easiest is Cutthroat Bill. Just show him the golden tooth. Van Helgen is a bit more difficult to convince. You have to duel with him. First you need an insult that impresses him, so you hit him with the glove you found in the theatre. If you choose a pistol as a weapon, you soon recognize that you´ll never win against him. So you choose the banjo. You have to repeat what Van Helgen plays, fortunately only the last notes, but it´s best if you write the string numbers down. Van Helgen will then rock away with the guitar, and you decide to place a real good shoot. Take one of the pistols and use it on the banjo of Van Helgen. The last one is Haggis McMutton. He wants to be beaten in the "Caber Toss". If you try you will see that you´ll never beat him without tricks. So you go to the field to do some preparation. Go to the grassy knoll and use the bread knife on the sawhorse. Now use the ember from the beginning on the trail of rum to make the keg explode. Now go back to the barber shop and do the caber toss once again. Next thing you need is a ship to sail to blood island. Go to Danjer Cove, but now use the bread knife to cut the plank before you enter the ship. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE As a result, you will be tarred and feathered. Now go to the chicken shop and introduce yourself as "El pollo diablo". You will be brought inside the pirate ship then. There, use your ventroliquism book with the captain. If you forgot to take the book in the theatre, you can get out through the window. After your trick the first mate leaves and you take the map to where they´ve buried Elaine. You´ll have to leave through the cabin´s window because the crew took the boat to get from the ship. Now go to the theatre, enter through the stage door and go upstairs to the lights. Pull the handle. An X should appear on the stage, near the headstone. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Now use the chicken grease to make the cannonballs (in the worn travel trunk) slip through Thespions fingers. After that, you go on the stage, take the shovel and dig for Elaine.

Part III: Three sheets to the wind

In the beginning, Rottingham will steal the map from you. You now need to steal it back from him. As described in the manual, there is the choice between a very easy sea battle and a normal one. I preferred the easy one, since this is a rather boring part of the game (<- opinion). When you capture a ship, you´ll fight with the captain. You win by giving the right answers and choosing the right insults. Begin with the less fearsome pirates, and work your way up. Every time you captured a ship, sail to puerto pollo and buy some better cannons. If you have the best cannons, you can attack Rottingham. The insults Rottingham uses are different from all the other captains, so you need to use your brain to choose the right answers. You really have to attack all the other pirates in order to learn the rhymes they use in their battles. You may have to battle the really fearsome pirates more than once. If all of this is done, he will give you the map, and you´re ready to sail on to blood island.

Part IV: The bartender, the thieves, his aunt and her lover

You arrived at blood island. Take the bottle in the sand (the shaving soap) with you and go to the hotel. There you´ll find a fortune-teller. Speak with her and let her tell you your future. Let her do the tarot game and take the five death cards with you. Be sure to have five cards. If you want to speak with the barkeeper, you´ll have to mix him a hangover remedy. Get the book from the bar and read the recipe for this cure. You´ll need one egg, pepper and ´hair of the dog that bit´ya´. Take the cushion with you, you´ll need it. The hair of the dog: go to the cemetery and farther until you see an old dog laying in his dog house. Feed the dog with the dog tricks and then take his hair. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Take the mallet and the chisel with you. The egg: Go to the beach. There is an egg on a rubber tree. Place the cushion from the hotel on the rocks and hit the rubber tree with the mallet. Take the egg. The pepper: go to the wind-mill. There is a wild pepper plant growing near the entrance. Take a bit from this plant and return to the hotel. Give all three items to the barkeeper. If you talk to the barkeeper, you´ll learn that the diamond is on skull island, and the ring is in the grave of a dead Goodsoup. To enter the crypt, you´ll have to die. So you use the Head-B-Clear (open with the chisel) with a drink from the barkeeper and drink it. You wake up in the tomb. Open the coffin with the chisel, then take a look around. Collect the nails from your coffin, and the open the one in the middle. You will be surprised. So you awoke in the wrong coffin. By speaking with the bartender you come to know that only members of the goodsoup family are buried in their crypt. So you introduce yourself as a Goodsoup family member, but recognize that you´ll have to learn more about Goodsoup family history to be accepted. Go upstairs now, then through the door into the room with the van Salad portraits. There is a nail in the wall. You have to use the mallet with this nail, so it comes out on the other side. Take it and go to the next room. Pull down the bed and fix it with the nails you´ve found. Then take the Goodsoup family history book and go back to the barkeeper. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Now you´re an accepted member of the Goodsoup familiy, but before you kill yourself a second time, go to the cemetary and check into Mutual Of Stan. Get a life insurance from him. You can pay it with the golden pirate tooth. Then go back to the hotel and mix a drink with the Head-B-Clear. Drink it. You meet Minnie, who is a ghost now. Talk to her and learn about the identity of the skeleton in the hotel. Then go deeper into the crypt. You meet Murray once again. Take him with you. Take the crowbar, too. There´s a crack in the wall. On the other side of the wall lives Mort. He refuses to let you out of the crypt, so you need to use your wits. Fetch the lantern on the table with the skeleton arm, place it on the coffin lid. then use Murray to frighten Mort (use Murray on lantern). Now go back to the hotel. Go through the door near the neon sign in the entrance hall. Get your death certificate. Take a piece of the gigantic cheese (use chisel) and the sticker on the refrigerator, too. In the entrance hall, take the jar on the bar with you. Then upstairs into the room with the skeleton. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Use the crowbar to open the boarded hole and to remove the nails you used to fix the bed. Fetch the engagement band and, on your way out of the cemetary, go to Stan and get the money for your life insurance. To slip the cursed ring off of Elaines finger, you need the slippery greasy hand lotion near Haggins McMutton (shipwreck). He will give it to you in exchange for some tar-like substance. Go to the strange lights, which indeed are from a village, and collect all things in the village you can take with you. Use the auger to make a mask from the tofu block and proceed out of the village through the other gate. You meet an islander, Lemonhead, who tells you that they await a guest for the ceremony. Put on your tofu mask and watch the ceremony. Then put some cheese (from the hotel) into the volcano. Now go back to the hotel, put the rest of the cheese in the cooking pot on the veranda and - voilá. Take the cooking pot to Haggins and you can take the slippery greasy hand lotion with you. (You cannot pick up the pot before you spoke with Haggins about the hand lotion.) Go back to Elaine, use the hand lotion on the ring and slip it off. It´ll explode. Go to the windmill. Fill the jar (from the hotel) with sugar-water from the barrel on the top of the mill. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Use the chisel to put holes into the lid of the jar. Go to the place where Elaine is standing. Put the jar on the stump and, as soon as all the fireflies have gotten inside, close it with the lid. With your natural lantern, go to the lighthouse and make it work again by putting the jar on the lantern post. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Now go to the beach. The Flying Welshman sitting there refuses to bring you to skull island without a compass, so you´ll have to construct one. You read the encyclopedia book and assemble the items. Use the magnetic sticker from the refrigerator to make the pin magnetic, then use it with the cork from the shaving soap bottle. Now fill the measuring cup with seawater (found at the beach), then assemble the pin and the cup - voilá. Give the compass to the flying welshman and then let him bring you to skull island. Once you are on top of the cliff, you will be let down to the smugglers´ cave by a winch operator. If you don´t want to fall down into the water, you have to use your umbrella (from the first drink at the hotel) while flying. Once you entered the cave, you will meet King André and his associate. They will not sell you the diamond for the money you have, but instead invite you to a game. Play with them and use the five deaths from the fortune-teller in the right moment. Back on blood island, assemble the diamond and the engagement band and put them on Elaine´s finger.

Part V: Kiss of the spider monkey

There is a quite long interplay now, after all this you are a kid once again, and in the Big Whoop Amusement Park. Talk to Dinghy Dog and try to win one of the prizes. Take the anchor. Use it with the meringue pies next to Wharf Rat. After the clown has been shot down, take his place and get shot. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE Now you have some meringue. Go to Dinghy Dog and push him. More than once, until he bites you. You get hair from the dog that bit´ya. Take the pepper mill from the snowcone man, and let him give you a snowcone, too. Put pepper from the mill, hair from the dog and meringue on your snowcone and eat it. Now you´re big enough again to enter the roller-coaster.

Part VI: Guybrush kicks butt once again

This part takes place entirely in the roller-coaster. You can get out of the charts by clicking at the very beginning of the scene, and get back into the charts when they drive past. Your first stop is a scene with a three-headed monkey. Jump out and get the fallen rope near the hanging man. Jump into the chart again. Your second stop is a scene with a ship. Jump out and get the keg of rum. Jump into the chart again. Third stop is at a torture diorama. Wally is hanging there, but don´t try to free him, you first have to beat LeChuck. Take the flask of oil and jump into the chart again. MEGA-MONKEY-NOTE The last stop is at the Dynamo-Monkelectric Giant Snow Monkey. Get out here and put the keg of rum on the arm of the monkey. Then use the flask of oil with the fallen rope and put the rope on the keg of rum. Now go down again and ready the pepper mill (which means, click it and close the inventory so that the cursor is still a pepper-mill). Wait for LeChuck. Wait until he did his speech and he has his hands up. Then use the pepper-mill on him. Enjoy!
Yes after reading the full solution of this game u can easily finish it.But if u want to enjoy from this game please read the solution when u are stucked..I want to write some hints about the game.And here is the hints for this game!!!


The Jawbreaker

The jawbreaker does not just ly on the floor. You´ll have to push Cutthroat Bill twice to get it.

The Club Card

See the biscuits in the corner? Take one and try to eat it. Yicks. Put the maggots on the chicken in front of the "very quiet patron". Take the Club card

To get out of the chicken shop

"Pick up the tooth, put it in some already chewed up gum. This next part is what took me about two hours alone to figure out! Before you chew the gum, inhale some helium....Now chew the gum that has the tooth in it and it creates a bubble that takes the tooth out the window. Exit and use the pie pan in the mud to find the tooth. That is it."

How to repair the boat

Take the biscuit cutter (from the chicken shop) and go to the "field of honor". There is a rubber tree standing on the very right of the field. Use the biscuit cutter to get a right-sized piece of rubber. Use the paste (from the voodoo lady) on it, and the plug the hole with it.

The theatre lights

You´ll have to follow the instructions on the map you found on the pirate ship. North just means the up-middle button, south the down-middle, west the left-middle and so on. Push all the buttons in the order given by the map, then pull the handle.

The dog

You´ll have to feed the dog with the biscuit.

How to become a goodsoup family member

In the hotel, go upstairs. Take the portrait and use the scissor to cut out the face. Put the frame of the portrait on the left door. Then go into the room and take a look out of the porthole.

How to open the right door in the hotel

Use the Business card from Stan to open the door

How to enter the windmill

Use the umbrella with the blades of the windmill. You get an umbrella if you order a drink with an umbrella in the hotel.

How to make the lighthouse work

Go to the hotel. Next to the barkeeper there is a mirror. Take it and put the cut-out face from the portrait into the frame. Go to the lighthouse and put the mirror on the lighthouse mirror.

Shooting down the clown

Use the shaving soap with the pie pan, then put the anchor in it. Place it on top of the meringue pies. Now you´ll only have to make Wharf Rat fire the cannon.

The flask of oil

You´ll have to open and blow out the lantern first before you can take out the flask of oil.
