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Hello, and Welcome to...Dream Land!

Greetings, and welcome to my world...

You Are Happy Dreamer Number I Hope Your Stay Is A Happy One!!

Welcome friend! Step right on in! I'm glad you could come and visit me!!! My name is Arelnath.

I have a few other names, as well, that you might know me by. I am known through out the internet as either Arelnath, or the Lady Amalthea. The Wise People call me The Crazy Trombone Playing Woman, and everyone else calls me Beth.

Regardless, whenever someone calls me one of any of these names, I say "hello". So "hello", and welcome to Dream Land!

This is where I have A LOT of fun!!! I'm forever adding and editing my pages, so please keep coming by, to see what strange and bizarre things I have added to my page!

So come on in, and have a look around, and I know you're busy, but PLEASE!!!! Sign my guest book!!

Please Sign My Dream Book Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Dream Book Here

Take off your shoes and visit for a while...

All about me, and who the heck I am...
The Amazing Adventures of Tiger
Links to some great places
My Book Review...don't miss it!!!
My Poetry Collection!

These are a few of my favorite things...
