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Abbreviated C. V. of Dr. Radwan Al-Weshah, Dean of Scientific Research and Prof. of Civil Engineering, The University of Jordan

Dr. Radwan Al-Weshah of Jordan

Radwan A. Al-Weshah, Ph.D.

Dean, Professor and International Expert: Water Resources and Hydrology

Office Address

The University of Jordan


Dr. Al-Weshah has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering - Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (one of the top schools in Civil Engineering in the world), USA, May 1993, with GPA= 4.00/4.00.

Currently, he is the Dean of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan and a professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Jordan and Accredited Senior Consultant in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. He has developed key international academic, professional, and managerial reputations in the area of Civil Engineering-water resources, hydrology/hydraulic and environment in the past three decades. He organized and chaired many scientific international and regional conferences.

Dr. Al-Weshah is a trained professional in curriculum development, modern instructional and teaching methods, career development, and learning outcomes evaluation. He set the plan for the faculty to prepare course portfolios for each course according to ABET requirement. He served as a member in key academic committees for academic plans evaluation and development, course learning outcomes, and serve as chair of the promotion committees for many faculties at the University of Jordan. Dr. Al-Weshah was elected member to represent the school of engineering to the University of Jordan Higher Council. He is an active researcher who produces more than 50 technical publications in top international refereed journals, conferences, studies and technical reports. He supervised more than 40 student theses at Master and PhD levels at different universities He serves as a reviewer of several ISI journals. His Google Scholar H-index is more than 14 with 600 citation and his researchgate score is above 28. He was also an adjunct professor of Engineering at the Australian College in Kuwait and Brigham Young University in USA.

Dr. Al-Weshah led and managed many mega projects with diverse teams in his professional career from 1994-present such as:

• In Jordan, during 2015-Present, as a senior consultant Dr. Al-Weshah led many teams in governmental agencies, high-rank committees in the area of higher education accreditation and quality assurance, scientific research funds, professional career development. He is an elected board member of the Jordan Engineers Association and elected member for two times at the University of Jordan Council representing more than 150 faculty members in the school of engineering. He conducted research works and supervised master theses in Non-Revenue-Water Management and contemporary water resources management issues.

• In Kuwait, KNFP, during 2012-2016, Dr. Al-Weshah led the Groundwater Remediation Project for a budget of about 41 million dollars and led the preparation of the strategic plans, detailed action plans, monitoring scheme, and the TORs for project tendering. He coordinated the efforts of all local and international consultants, contractors, stakeholders and governmental agencies.

• In UNESCO, during the period 2000-2010, he led and managed regional mega projects in the Arab Region and the Nile Basin with total budget of more than 10 million dollars funded by UN system, EU, Government of Japan, and others. He led these projects with diverse multinational teams exceeding 100 professionals. The impact of these projects were highly appreciated by all stakeholders, partners and donors.

• In Jordan, during the period 1994-2000, he was the associate director of the Water and Environment Center at the University of Jordan, in which he led and managed many project with a budget exceeding 1.2 million dollars of external funding from UN, USAID, and EU. He led teams of more than 20 professional and achieved the project tasks and objectives with full appreciation from the clients and funding agencies.

Dr. Al-Weshah is a technical advisor to some governmental agencies, research institutions, and a technical consultant to local and international consulting firms in Jordan and abroad in the area of water resources, hydraulics and hydrology. His work covers areas of water management, surface hydrology, hydrologic modeling, flood and drought studies, design of water networks and conveyance system, design of hydraulic structures, wadi hydrology, artificial groundwater recharge and water harvesting projects. Dr. Al-Weshah gained a wide international experience in the area of water resources management and planning, surface and flood hydrology, hydraulic analysis and design, water negotiations and conflict resolution in the Middle East. He was the co-chairman and the main coordinator for the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1993. He is the co-editor the symposium proceedings. Dr. Al-Weshah has been elected and appointed by the National Research Council of the U.S. Academy of Sciences as a member of the committee on "Sustainable Water Supply in the Middle East". He is a principle author of the international book Water for Future published by the United State National Academy Press in 1999. Dr. Al-Weshah is supervising the Arab Network on Wadi Hydrology and the Arab Network on Groundwater Protection, and a co-editor and a contributor to the UNESCO-IHP technical document on Wadi Hydrology.

Dr. Al-Weshah developed a national and international reputation in his area, he participated in more than 60 international technical meetings in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is a national representative of International Hydrology Program (IHP) of the UNESCO, the Expert Network on Wadi Hydrology and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Dr. Al-Weshah is a reviewer for the of the Water International Journal of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), Water Resources Bulletin of American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and Journal of the Hydraulics Division of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and many other specialized journals in the Middle East region. He was invited author for the Encyclopedia of Life Support System (ELOSS) sponsored by UNESCO and edited by a team at the University of Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Al-Weshah has outstanding academic records at all schooling levels; he was one of the top students in his classes from primary school to graduate studies. He has excellent written, oral communication and presentation skills as well as other interpersonal skills. He has the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively with policy makers and other stakeholders. He is a diligent and committed professional who can lead, mentor, coach and motivate his team towards high performance focusing on impact using results-based management and reporting. He can perform well with high spirit under pressure and strict deadlines and demonstrates ability to manage complexities with wise professional judgement. Dr Al-Weshah has excellent knowledge of the UN, USAID, and EU system policies and procedures. He received advanced formal training in strategic planning, result based management, water diplomacy and negotiation, time and stress management, team building and mobilization, effective leadership skills, and security training. Dr. Al-Weshah has very active networking skills with different key professionals, academic and research institutions, community leaders, and many public figures in the Arab region. He has more than 5000 professional friends on his Facebook and LinkedIn networks. Dr. Al-Weshah, has demonstrated skills of positive attitude and pleasant tolerant character that is respectful, sensitive communication with people who are diverse in their cultural, ethnic backgrounds and abilities


Ph.D. Civil Engineering - Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, November 1992, (GPA= 5.00 out of 5.00).

M.S. Civil Engineering-Water and Irrigation Engineering, January 1989, University of Jordan, Amman, JORDAN, (Scholastic Evaluation: Excellent).

B.S. Civil Engineering, June 1981, University of Jordan, Amman, JORDAN, (Scholastic Evaluation: Excellent).


Ph.D. Thesis: "Reliability of Integrated Municipal Water Systems: Implications of Drought," unpublished, 1992.

Master Thesis: "A Contribution to the Total Sediment Load Transportation," unpublished 1989.



Dean of Scientific Research and Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Jordan, in Amman, JORDAN, April 2000 to present. Duties: teaching Engineering Hydrology, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, and other Civil Engineering courses for undergraduate students, and teaching advanced courses in Surface Hydrology, Groundwater Hydrology, Flood Hydrology, and Water Resources for graduate students. Dr. Al-Weshah has supervised the hydraulics and fluid mechanics labs since 1994. Research and consultancy areas cover hydrology of desert and arid areas, shared water resources management, optimization of water systems, flood and drainage studies, groundwater recharge and water harvesting studies, design of water networks, design of small dams, stormwater drainage system, and hydraulic structures. He serves in several national and international academic, technical and administrative committees and councils. The promotion of Dr. Al-Weshah to the rank of associate professor is in process.


Technical Advisor, for governmental and public agencies, like the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Water and Irrigation serving as a member of several key advisory committees to the Minister of Water and Irrigation in Jordan, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Royal Scientific Society etc., in the field of hydrology and surface drainage. Major activities: reviewing, evaluating and providing technical expertise in areas of hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, modeling, design for major water projects in Jordan, water quality issues, water policy, planning and management.

Technical and Freelancer Consultant, for some national and international firms in Jordan and abroad since September 1994. Duties: providing specialized consulting for the various projects that deals with water resources planning and management, hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and design, flood control and mitigation studies, watershed management, and environmental impact assessment. A partial list of these projects includes: The Tourism Development Project of the East Coast of the Dead Sea, the Water Conservation and Quality Improvement Project, the Disi-Amman Conveyance System, the Jordan Rift Valley Development Projects--the Water Sector, technical training workshops and short-courses in the area of water resources and hydrology, the Petra Priority Action Plan Study: Flood Control and Mitigation, the Riyadh Ring Road Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design in Saudi Arabia, the Tourism Development Project of Taba Heights on the Red Sea in Egypt, the Drainage works design for Madinah-Yanbu Expressway in Saudi Arabia, Stormwater Drainage in Mina holly area in Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Rehabilitation of Major Bridges in Lebanon, Design of Mujib Weir and Conveyance System, Rehabilitation of Greater Amman Water Networks, and many other specialized projects.

Senior Hydrologist, Wetland Research Inc., and Hey and Associates, Inc., Libertyville and Chicago, Illinois, December 1993 to August 1994. Major activities: hydrologic and hydraulic planning, analysis, and design of engineering projects; wetland mitigation and restoration, site planning and environmental impact studies; design of hydraulic structures, stormwater management and flood control; and research in wetland hydrology and water resources.

Technical Director, Municipality of Salt, Salt JORDAN, June 1981 to November 1983. Duties: Supervision of all municipality projects and staff with emphasis on planning, management and operation of water systems.


International Meetings and Conferences

The Rosenberg International Water Forum on Water Policy, Barcelona, SPAIN, October 2-6, 1999 (participant by invitation only).

The 26th International Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE conference held in Tempe, Arizona, June 3-7, 1999.

The 8th Stockholm Water Symposium, SWEDEN, August 9-13, 1998.

The 1998 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, ASCE conference held in Memphis, Tennessee, August 3-7, 1998.

Capabilities of Watershed Modeling System(WMS) Package: technical exchange visit, Brigham Young University,. Provo, Utah, January 1998.

Water Supplies in the Middle East: Venues for Cooperation, ICCO meetings in Amsterdam, The NETHERLAND, June 1997.

The Sustainable Water Supplies in the Middle East committee meetings in Washington DC in Feb. 1996, Amman in June 1996, and Washington DC in April 1997, National Research Council, US National Academy of Sciences.

The Post-Graduate International Course in Sediment Transport Technology, Ankara, TURKEY, June, 1995.

Co-Chairman of the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 25-28, 1993.

The Engineering Foundation Conference on Management of Water Resources in North America III: Anticipating the 21st Century, Tucson, Arizona, September 4-8, 1993.

The NATO Advanced Study Institute on Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Under Changing Physical Conditions, Deauville, FRANCE, May 24-June 3, 1993.

The Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling & Analysis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, April 25-28, 1993.

The Middle East Water Crisis: Creative Perspectives and Solutions, Waterloo, CANADA, May 7-9, 1992.

The Engineering Foundation Fifth Conference on Risk Based Decision Making in Water Resources, Santa Barbara, California, November 3-8, 1991.

The NATO Advanced Study Institute on Risk and Reliability of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering, Porto Carras, GREECE, May 18-28, 1991.

Training course in Highway Engineering at the National Institute for Physical Planning & Construction Research Dublin, IRELAND. Summer 1985.

Field training in Highway Engineering-planning, design, and construction of highways and bridges at the Department of Road Planning and Construction, Drammen, NORWAY, Summer 1980.

Regional Conferences (in the Middle East)

The 8th IHP Meeting and The UNESCO meetings on Wadi Hydrology, UNESCO, ESCWA, and IHP program, Beirut, LEBANON, September 27-October 1, 1999.

Coordinator of the UNESCO Annual International Workshop on Wadi Hydrology, the Water and Environment Research and Study Center, University of Jordan, May 10-20, 1998 and 1999.

The 4th Gulf Water Conference, Manama, BAHRAIN, February 13-18, 1999.

The UNESCO regional meetings on Wadi Hydrology, Damascus (April 1998), Cairo (September 1998), Tunis (February 1999).

The Rainfall Forecasts and Irrigation Strategies, Cairo, May 1996 and Bergamo, ITALY April 1998.

The Rehabilitation of Engineering Works, Aleppo University, SYRIA, November 1996.

The ASCE-SAS Second Regional Conference: Save the Environment, Beirut, LEBANON, November 17-19, 1995.

Local Specialized Meetings (in Jordan)

The Water Resources Policy, Planning, and Management Advisory Committee to the Minister of Water and Irrigation, The Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan.

The Water Quality Advisory Committee to the Minister of Water and Irrigation, The Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan.

The Petra 1999 Conference on Water and Environment, Petra, Jordan, April 28-May 2, 1999.

Performance of Municipal Water Systems, The Scientific Day for Water in Jordan, The Jordanian Engineers Association, October 1997.

The 4th Jordanian Scientific Week, Amman, August 1996.

The Advances in Irrigation in the Mediterranean Basin, Amman, July 1996.

The Post-Graduate Course in Sediment Transport Technology, Ankara, TURKEY, June, 1995.

The International Seminar on GLOBSAR project (application of radar imaging), Royal Jordanian Geographic Center, Amman, JORDAN, 23-27 April, 1995.

The Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad, Second Congress, Amman, JORDAN, July 29-August 10, 1994.

The Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad, First Congress, Amman, JORDAN, July 30-August 12, 1992.

Professional Training in theory and methods of Higher Education, University of Jordan, Amman, JORDAN, 1988.


Extensive experience in using most existing hydrologic and hydraulic models such as WMS (watershed modeling system) , HEC-1 (flood hydrograph model), HEC-2 (water surface profile model), TR-55 (urban hydrology for small watersheds), ILLUDAS (Illinois urban drainage area simulator), DWOPER (dynamic wave routing model), KYPIPE, LOOP, SEWER, BRANCH, AUTOWATER (water/sewer network solvers), TR-20 (hydrologic model by SCS), WSP-2 (water surface profile), FLOWMASTER (hydraulics of open channel and pipe flow), HY8 (highway culvert design), CULVERTMASTER (culvert design package), STORMCAD (stormwater design package), WATERCAD and CYBERNET (water distribution network package), SMADA (hydrologic and stormwater management and drainage analysis package), GW3DFL (3-dimensional groundwater model), GW3DT (3-dimensional groundwater transport model), MODFLOW (USGS groundwater model), and ANSWER (Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation), AUTOCAD, as well as most of the DOS and UNIX applications.

Developed an integrated model for evaluating the reliability of municipal water systems in drought conditions incorporating KYPIPE water network solver.

Involved in developing a wetland model (WETMOD) which evaluates the impact of wetlands on the surface and subsurface hydrology of the watershed.


Reviewer of the Water International Journal of IWRA, Water Resources Bulletin of AWRA, and Journal of the Hydraulics Division of ASCE, and many other journals in the region.

Extensive experience in computer programming and application of software on PC's and UNIX workstations.

Experience in performing mathematical, laboratory modeling and experiments in Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, and Hydrology.

Languages: Fluent in Arabic and English (speaking, writing, and reading).

Outstanding effectiveness in teaching, and excellent student evaluations results (most recent year, Spring: 97.4% while department average 82%, Fall: 96.6% while department average 80%).

Able to secure external funding for research projects effectively


International Level

The US Academy of Sciences Letter of Appreciation.

The President Award of King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals for serving the Middle East water issues.

The United State Institute of Peace Grant to organize and prepare the proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East.

The UNDP Grant to organize the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East.

The University of Illinois Graduate College Conference-Travel Awards (three times).

Member of the Committee on Sustainable Water Supplies in the Middle East of the National Research Council, the U. S. National Academy of Sciences.

Member of Honor Society Tau Beta Pi, Illinois Alpha Chapter.

Member of American Society of Civil Engineers.

Member of American Water Works Association.

Member of the International Water Resources Association.

National representative of the International Association of Hydrologic Science (IAHS).

Member of the Arab Scientists and Technologists Abroad Association, USA

Board Member of the Arab Networks on Wadi Hydrology

Local Level

Member of the Water Resources Policy, Planning, and Management Advisory Committee to the Minister of Water and Irrigation, The Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan.

Member of the Water Quality Advisory Committee to the Minister of Water and Irrigation, The Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan.

Member of Jordanian Engineers Association, JORDAN.

Member of the Steering Committee of WERSC, JORDAN.

Member of Jordan Society for Desertification Control and Badia Development.

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Badia Research and Development Project.

Member of the Steering Committee of the Economic Use of Water conducted by the Royal Scientific Society.

Member of National Jordanian Committee of the International Hydrologic Program (IHP).


Refereed Articles in Specialized Indexed Journals:

Saidan, Motasem N.; Al-Addous, Mohammad; Al-Weshah, Radwan A.; Obada, Ibrahim; Alkasrawi, Malek; Barbana, Nesrine. 2020. "Wastewater Reclamation in Major Jordanian Industries: A Viable Component of a Circular Economy." Water 12, no. 5: 1276.

Hajar, Husam A. Abu, Adiy Tweissi, Yousef A. Abu Hajar, Radwan Al-Weshah, Khaldoun M. Shatanawi, Rana Imam, Yasmin Z. Murad, and Mohammad A. Abu Hajer. "Assessment of the municipal solid waste management sector development in Jordan towards green growth by sustainability window analysis." Journal of Cleaner Production 258 (2020): 120539.

Yihdego, Y., Vaheddoost, B. & Al-Weshah, Radwan A. “Drought indices and indicators revisited,” Arab Journal of Geosciences, February 2019, 12: 69.

Al-Weshah, Radwan A., and Yohannes Yihdego. "Multi-criteria decision approach for evaluation, ranking, and selection of remediation options: case of polluted groundwater, Kuwait", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol 25 (1), December 2018.

Hassan Tolba Aboelnga; Motasem Saidan, & Radwan A Al-Weshah. “Component analysis for optimal leakage management in Madaba, Jordan”, Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology—AQUA, June 2018, IWA Publishing,

Yihdego, Y. & Al-Weshah, R.A. Engineering and environmental remediation scenarios due to leakage from the Gulf War oil spill using 3-D numerical contaminant modelling, Journal of Applied Water Science (2017). Article · Jun 2017.

Yihdego, Y. & Al-Weshah, R.A. Hydrocarbon assessment and prediction due to the Gulf War oil disaster, North Kuwait, Journal of Water Environment Research (2016). DOI: 10.2175/106143016X14798353399250.

Yihdego, Y. & Al-Weshah, R.A. Assessment and Prediction of Saline Sea Water Transport in Groundwater Using 3-D Numerical Modelling, Journal of Environmental Processes (2016). DOI:10.1007/s40710-016-0198-3.

Al-Weshah, Radwan A., and Yohannes Yihdego. "Flow modelling of strategically vital freshwater aquifers in Kuwait." Environmental Earth Sciences 75.19 (2016): 1315. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-6132-1.

Yihdego, Y. & Al-Weshah, R.A. “Gulf war contamination assessment for optimal monitoring and remediation cost-benefit analysis, Kuwait.” Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75: 1234.

Al-Weshah R. A, “Environmental Ethics as a tool for Sustainable Water Resources Management,” Journal - American Water Works Association3/2016; 108(3).DOI:

Saidan, Motasem, Radwan A. Al-Weshah and Ibrahim Obada, “Potential Rainwater Harvesting: Adaptation Measure for Urban Areas in Jordan,” Journal - American Water Works Association 11/2015; 107(11). DOI:

Saidan, Motasem, Süreyya Meric, Khaled Rawajfeh, Radwan A. Al-Weshah, and Salam F. Al-Zu’bi, “Effect of bromide and other factors on brominated trihalomethanes formation in treated water supply in Jordan,” Desalination and Water Treatment 56, September 2015. DOI:

Al-Omari, A., E. Al- Karablieh, Z. Al-Houri, A. Salman, R. Al-Weshah, “Irrigation Water Management In The Jordan Valley Under Water Scarcity.” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 04/2015; Vol 24(4):1176-1188. Parlar Scientific Publications, Germany,

Al-Omari, A., Z. Al Houri, and R. Al-Weshah “Impact of the As Samra wastewater treatment plant upgrade on the water quality (COD, electrical conductivity, TP, TN) of the Zarqa River” Water Science and Technology Vol. 67 No. 7 pp 1455–1464 © IWA Publishing 2013 doi:

Hadadin, N., R. Al-Weshah et. al. “Rainwater harvesting in Jordan : a case of royal pavilion at Amman airport” Desalination and Water Treatment 52(issue 31-33) · September 2014, DOI:

Al-Weshah R. A, " Integrated Water Resources Management in Jordan: Challenges and Opportunities” in Arabic, Journal of Scientific Research Association, Amman, Jordan, . Dec 2011, pp. 44-60.

Willems P, Ogiramoi NP, Mutua F, Abdo G, Kabubi J, Fahmi AH, Sonbol M, Lotfy A, Kimaro TA, Mkhandi S, Opere, AI-Weshah, R. "Regional Flood Frequency Analysis for the River Nile Basin." Bull. Séanc. Acad. R. Sci. Outre-Mer / Meded. Zitt. K.Acad. Overzeese Wet.. 2009;55(4):555-570. Regional Flood Frequency Analysis for the River Nile Basin, Mededelingen der Zittingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen Vol:55 issue:4, pages:555-570, September 2009, Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Belgium.

Al-Weshah R. A, " Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Arab World” ISESCO Journal of Sciences and Technology. Vol. 4 No. 5, May 2008, ISESCO, Rabat.

Al-Awar,Faraj, Mohammad Jamel Abdulrazzak and Radwan Al-Weshah, "Water Ethics Perspectives in the Arab Region," Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Volume - 24 (4): December 2006, pp. 167-183, Arabian Gulf University.

Al-Weshah R. A., "A Case Study Of A Multi-Lateral Water Negotiation: The Jordan River System," in Conflict Resolution, [Ed. Keith William Hipel], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Year 2004, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, [].

Al-Weshah, R. A., “Rainfall-runoff analysis and modelling in wadi system” a chapter in a Book Hydrology of Wadi Systems, [edited by Weather and Al-Weshah] published by UNESCO, Paris, Technical Documents in Hydrology, No. 55 (2002). pp. 87-113.

Al-Weshah R. A, "The Role of UNESCO in Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Arab World,” Desalination 152 (2002) pp.1-13, Elsevier, The Netherlands.

Al-Weshah R. A, " Management of Irrigation Water in the Jordan Valley,” Water Resources Management: A International Journal, Vol. 14 No.5, October 2000, pp.327-338,Kluwer Academic Publisher, The Netherlands.

Al-Weshah R. A., "Reliability of Water Supply for the Dead Sea Tourism Project,” Dirasat, Engineering Sciences, a refereed journal of the University of Jordan, Volume 27, No. 4 April 2000.

Al-Weshah R. A, "Water Balance of the Dead Sea: An Integrated Approach, ”Hydrological Processes: A International Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2000, pp. 145-154,John Wiley and Sons, Bristol.<145::AID-HYP916>3.0.CO;2-N

Al-Weshah R. A., and Goulter, I., "Probabilistic Models for Water Distribution Reliability” Paper Discussion, ASCE J. Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 125 No. 6 November/December issue 1999.

Al-Weshah R. A., and F. Khoury, "Flood Analysis and Mitigation for Petra Area in Jordan," ASCE J. Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 125 No. 2 May/June issue 1999.

Al-Kharabsheh A., R. A. Al-Weshah, and M. R. Shatanawi, “Artificial Groundwater Recharge in the Azraq Basin (Jordan),” Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences, Volume 24, No. 3, September, 1997, pp. 357-370, the University of Jordan refereed Journal.

Al-Weshah R. A., and D. T. Shaw, "Performance of Integrated Municipal Water Systems During Drought," ASCE J. Water Resources Planning and Management , Vol. 120, No. 4, July/August, 1994, pp. 531-545.

Al-Weshah, R. A., “Jordan's Water Resources: Technical Perspective," Water International, Vol. 17, No. 3, September, 1992. pp. 124-132. DOI:

Papers in Specialized International and Regional Conference Proceedings:

Al-Weshah, R., M.R. Shatanawi, "Rainfall-Runoff Analysis and Modeling in Wadi Systems," proceedings of the 8th IHP, UNESCO-ESCWA Workshops and meeting, Beirut, LEBANON, September 1999.

Al-Weshah R. A., and F. Khoury, "Watershed Management: A Tool for Flood Mitigation in Petra Area," proceedings of the 26th Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, ASCE, Tempe, Arizona, June 5-10, 1999 (on CD).

Al-Weshah, R. A., "Jordan's Water Resources: Technical Perspective," Proceeding of the 4th Gulf Water Conference, Water Science and Technology Association, Bahrain, February 1999, Paper O/12 on CD.

Al-Weshah R. A., "Planning of Water Supply Under Uncertainty: The Dead Sea Project," proceedings of the 1998 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, ASCE, Memphis, USA, August 1998, pp 1782-1787.

Al-Weshah R. A., "Planning of Water Supply to the Dead Sea Tourism Project in Jordan under Uncertainty," proceedings of the IXth World Water Congress, IWRA, Montreal, CANADA, September 1997.

Shatanawi, M., Al-Kharabsheh, A., and Al-Weshah, R., "Jordan’s Experience in Wadi Hydrology," in the proceedings of the UNESCO-NWRC-ACSAD Workshops on Wadi Hydrlogy and Groundwater Protection, L. Mourits, A. Salih, and M. Sherif, ed. IHP Technical Publication No. SC-97/WS/50, UNESCO Cairo-Office, June 1996.

Al-Weshah R. A., "A Reliability Model for the Rehabilitation of Water Systems," proceedings of the Rehabilitation of Engineering Works Conference, University of Aleppo, SYRIA, November 2-6, 1996.

Al-Weshah R. A., "The Management of Water Use in the Jordan River System," proceedings of the ASCE-SAS Second Regional Conference, Beirut, November 17-19, 1995.

Ragheb, M., K. Toukan, and R. A. Al-Weshah, "Desalination Using Advanced-Design Nuclear Power Plants," proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East, IWRA publications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 25-28, 1993, pp. 173-180.

Al-Weshah R. A., and D. T. Shaw, " Reliability of Integrated Municipal Water Systems: Reliability Bounds Approach," proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling & Analysis-ISUMA'93, pp. 371-378, the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, April 25-28, 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press, California.

Demissie, M ., A. Khan, and R. Al-Mubarak (Al-Weshah), "Influence of Wetlands on Streamflow in Illinois," in Hydraulic Engineering, Edited by R. Shane, ASCE, New York, New York 10017, August, 1991, pp. 949-954.

Specialized Published Books, Articles, and Technical Reports:

Al-Weshah R. A., and H. Wheater (editors and contributors) Hydrology of Wadi Systems, and IHP Technical Document, UNESCO Publications, 2002, Paris.

Al-Weshah R. The Multilateral Water Negotiation: A Case Study from the Jordan River Basin, Invited Article, Topic 1.40.5, Encyclopedia of Life Support System (EOLSS), Edited by Hipel and Fang, University of Waterloo, Canada and sponsored by the UNESCO (forthcoming).

Al-Weshah R. Water for Future, A Published Book by the USA National Academy Press, March 1999, Washington D.C.

Al-Weshah R. Design and Analysis of Water Distribution Network, A Published Monogram by the Al-Azhar University in Gaza and the UNESCO Cairo office, November 1998, 180 page.

Al-Weshah R. A., Design of Water Networks Using Computer, a training curriculum, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, monogram, Amman, August 1996.

Al-Weshah, R. A., L. Keefer, and M. Demissie, The Role of Wetlands in Stormwater Runoff for the Flint and Mutton Creek Watersheds, Lake County-Illinois, Illinois State Water Survey Published Report, Champaign, Illinois, November, 1993.

Stout, G. E., and R. A. Al-Weshah, Editors, the proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East, IWRA publications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 25-28, 1993, 285p.

Shaw, D. T. , Henderson, R., and R. Al-Mubarak (Al-Weshah), Responses to Municipal Water Supply Cutbacks in San Diego County, California, Spring 1991: Field Observations, Quick Response Research Report # 47, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, Colorado, 1991.


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