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482 Baxter Blvd.
Portland, Me 04103




Dare To Care

Altrusa is a world wide association of professionals united in volunteering. The first Altrusa Club was founded in 1917 by Mamie L. Bass, as the first service club for professional women, becoming internation in 1935, and open to men in 1987. The name ALTRUSA comes from a combination of Altrusim and USA.

Members from more then 500 clubs through out the world work together to develope long lasting service projects, promote leadership training, recognize achievement, and foster international understanding.

Community projects include working with disadvantaged youths, literacy, working with the eldery, and assisting other charitable groups with their projects.

The service emphisis of   ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL   is to promote and assist Literacy.

ALTRUSA AROUND THE LAKES is located in the beautiful lakes region of Maine. Formally known as Lakes Region Alrusa, the club was reorganized in December 1997 and officially renamed in April 1998. We are going and growing strong.

One of our many community projects is raising funds to send a child from Maine to Camp Safe Haven. Camp Safe Haven, a camp created for children with HIV and AIDS was founded by Tony Lombardi and Dave Butler. Often these children are subject to horrible stigmatization and prejudice. There are children who have had their houses burned, cars destroyed and lives threatened. Children have been kicked out of school, banished from neighborhood playgrounds and entire sports teams refusing to play against a team with an MV-positive athlete, forcing the child to quit his dearly loved sport for the sake of his teammates. Every aspect of Camp Safe Haven is focused on one idea- FREEDOM. Camp Safe Haven has created a camp/retreat experience that goes beyond the traditional. Everyone gets involved and the message that the children come away with is it's okay to be who you are here, just come and have fun. Children leave Camp Safe Haven with the sense that there are people in the world who do understand and care for them, not because of their illness, but in spite of it. In this way, the children are offered a little hope and perhaps, for some a reason to on, so they can come back to SAFE HAVEN again. Camp Safe Haven engages children from all over the United States and other countries in activities which promote a sense of community and well being in spite of their infection with HIV/AIDS. Camp sessions are held in April on Martha's Vineyard and in August at another site in New England. Different from other camp experiences, Safe Haven does not isolate the children, but instead incorporates their activities into a community setting, thus giving the children a sense of belonging and acceptance. Camp Safe Haven is not just another camp, it is an ongoing support system for these children, who come from many different places and their families. The organizers and other staff members also talk with these children throughout the year to offer support, encouragement and perhaps just a shoulder to cry on. Safe Haven sponsors an annual winter holiday party for the children and their families, provides opportunities for teens who are not infected to be of service to those who are, provides education about HIV/AIDS to communities, and provides memorial scholarships to deserving students. While there is no cost for a child to attend Camp Safe Haven, housing, meals, activities, medical supplies, and transportation amount to approximately $1,000 per child per week. The entire staff, which includes doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, and other volunteers donate all of their time and services.

We have also had clubs across the world send us quilt squares. Our talented quilter, Sandi Smith, has made several quilts to donate to a child at Camp Safe Haven. Below is a picture of the first quilt.



President - Marlene Petersen

Vice President - Sue Costin

Treasurer - Sandra Smith

Recording Secretary - M.E. Allen

Correspondence Secretary - Jennifer Osgood

Membership Chair - Danielle Petersen

Director - Pat Mundy

This page is dedicated to the memory of:
1939 - 2000