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Beware The Evil Sprites !!

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I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! This time it's reallly about ME. Don't get me wrong, I liked my page before. I just think it's time I used the page to let the world know what's going on in my head and what isn't. As if the list above didn't clarify any of that. I'm feeling very opinionated right now for some reason. Oh yeah another thing that irks me .. when I have to sneeze and I can't cause I'm talking on the phone. You're probably thinkin' big deal everyone sneezes on the phone, but if you're being paid to make someone else money by talking it's different. * sigh* Yes I'm one of those annoying telemarketer peoples. I don't mean to be annoying..... some people get really bent out of shape over it though. Especially women, sometimes when I call to talk to men their wives get all butt hurt if I tell them I need to speak to their husbands. You'd think I was callin' to offer 'em phone sex or somethin'. sheesh. If that was the case I'd be making more money... Cause let me tell ya, I give damned good phone. lol I know i'm a bit freaky but I draw the line somewhere. But seriously I like my job. First time I've been able to say that in a long time. Lets see how long I feel this way though ... It passed ... I now HATE telemarketing . So I quit ! Ok So I've told you what i don't like here are a few things I LOVE : My Bear, My Bear's Tummy, Fast Motorcycles (rockets), Fast cars ( I will get that Charger someday), Bras that fit ... my rabbit he's so cute an' fuzzy, and of course my Horse Dog. It's kind of funny about the dog though, when we first got him I hated him... he drooled, he shedded, and he barked @ everything. Now I love my horse dog. He's a bit jealous though he and my Bear have a bit of rivalry. When I'm home the dog is so mean to my bear, but when I'm gone he's nice to him. It isn't as bad as it was, when my Bear first moved in. The dog used to fart at him and wave it at him with his tail. Now he just gives him dirty looks and snarls at him.... (the dog does this) I think it's hilarious. At least twice a day I hear, " Babe, I'm gonna kill you're F_ _ __in' Dog !!!" We're all one big happy family over here. Hey Does this hurt your eyes? It hurts mine !!! Oh yeah and now the Bear likes to show the dog his teeth . The Dog likes to show off his teeth too, it looks so funny because the dog wants to bite the Bear, but it looks like he's just smiling. Some day I'll have to capture it on digital camera to share with the rest of the world.

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