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"I Promise"

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The Greatest Movie Of All Time.... TITANIC!!!! Winner of 11 Oscars!!!!

Welcome to "I Promise", my tribute to the greatest movie of all time, Titanic. As you can tell, I'm redoing this page. I thought that it was kinda boring before, so I have decided to spice it up a little bit *s* I've got a whole new batch of pictures on here, and I will try to post some on the poems that Titanic has inspired me to write. I'll also share a few of my thoughts on the movie, and the pics that I post. I encourage you to write you think of Titanic, and what you think of my pics, and the memories that they bring back for you. So, here we go, a journey into Titanic.

This is by far my most favorite picture that I have come across. This shows everything. And it tells the whole idea of this movie. It's not only about a sinking ship, it's that "nothing on earth could come between them". Them, of course being Jack and Rose.

This is the beautiful Rose, wonderfully acted by Kate Winslet. I think that Kate Winslet is one of the most beautiful women in this world. And her acting ability is the best. Kate really makes you feel everything that Rose is going through. And of course every great leading lady needs just as great of a leading man.

And here is Kate's leading man, Leonardo DiCaprio. He portrays the handsome Jack. We all know that Leonardo is very handsome,(which I will admit, I never saw until he acted in Titanic), but his acting ability is also the best too. He made us love Jack, and believe we could do anything, including fly.

This is a great pic, this is the one that I have for my wallpaper on my computer. I love this pic.

This is one of my fave pics, I really do like this one. It shows the love that Jack and Rose shared.

All pics on my homepage belong to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement was intended.

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