My Reiki Certificates


After studying Reiki levels 1 and 2 with Reiki Alliance Master Barbi Lazonby in 1996, I studied Third Degree, or Advanced Reiki with Rick Rivard of Vancouver, Canada.  I then went on to complete my Reiki Master Teacher training with Daniel EagleBear Day in the Fall of 1997, at which time I began teaching.  Shortly thereafter, Dan moved away and I lost contact with him for over a year. Although I had his permission to teach, He didn't actually give me a certificate until 1999, when we finally caught up with one another.  That is another story which can be found on my Eaglebear page.

Although I attempted to find out Dan's lineage back to Usui Sensei, he was never able to confirm the lineage beyond his own Master, Mickey Baker of Quitman, Georgia. 

I have been teaching Reiki since 1997 but decided in 2005 to continue my training and study the Master Teacher level again, this time with Rick Rivard as well.  Remember, I had studied Third Degree with Rick back in 1997.

I am very pleased to present my certification as Master Teacher (Shihan) in the Threshold system of Usui Reiki Ryoho from Rick Rivard, received after training with him in the Spring of 2005.