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Welcome To Wonita Belling's Page

Hi I'm Wonita Belling and this is my Home Page. I am 16, I am White and Mexican I live about two hours away from the city Edmonton in Canada, I have a boyfriend named Kyle Bowland, his so called "homeez" call him Krazy K. He is in a street gang called the 187 Thug Crips, Click Here To Go To His 187 Thug Crips Page. I love Kyle with all my heart, and he loves me. I am not pregnant, I found out about a week ago. Kyle was so relieved.Below is a photo of my honey kyle making a weird smile:

Isn't He Sexy?!!
Last Edited
December 29, 1998


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My Personal Photos
Photo's Of Really Cool Female Models
A Page About Me
My Chat With My Gangster Boyfriend
My Street Gang Mediation Free Service

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Sign My GuestBook
This is a message to all of the so called "gangstas" that are signing my guestbook. Just because I have a boyfriend that is in a gang, doesnt mean I'm down with what you have to say. Please only sign my guestbook if you have something to say that doesnt make me depressed thinking about Kyle in his gang. Thank-you!