Going Further

Finally, I've added in my essays - the works of which I am proudest. My prose is now chronologically assorted, from the 6th grade's works to the 10th grade. All essays were written in 11th and 12th grades, or at junior college level (that is, age 17 and 18). I enjoyed writing my essays - in fact, I miss writing them - and I hope you'll enjoy reading them too.

Stories From Another Time

The Meddler
The Abused Child
Recollections of 1996
In Requiem, for Bill
An Essay On War
The Telephone Call
In Memoriam, Granny
An Amusing Incident
The Confession
Rubbish Bin Baby
Lost Sally
Tribute To My Teachers (Speech)
An Essay On Suicide
The Gay Coccoon


The Importance of Laughter
Teens and The Media
The Goal of Absolute Perfection
The Lessons of Suffering
The Impact of the Past on our Adult Life
Choosing The Road Less Travelled
Time To Stand And Stare
Success To The Man Who Thinks He Can
Life Is A Stage And I The Jester
Hopes For The Millenium
Our Children And The Modern Cartoon

Getting Out

Poetically Cursed
About Myself
A Report On Family Violence