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~*All About Pammie*~

Hi/ya Everybody WELCOME!!!I I'm Pamela Dianne aka ~Pammie~. I'm married and have three beautiful daughters Amanda, Michelle and Amy..*smile* whom I call my beauties* they are the light off my life and make me so proud.
My hobbies include snowmobiling, golf, painting, and reading ohh ya!! forgot the biggest one is playing on the computer *grin* I love to dance take long walks on the beach and sit out at night watching the stars...If music is playing you will always see this redboot wearing teguila, bailey's and coffee drinking ladies feet and ass moving I love music.
I came on line 5 years ago * I THINK, I'm old so my memory is fading fast *giggle* I have made wonderful friends on-line and met them in what the chat world calls IRL. I've been fortunate and blessed to become very close to some of them and because of that I always considered this little mental box a gift, for without it I may never had the opportunity other wise. I'm what some consider a Oldie but Goldie regular in Joes Diner but as the years have gone on chatting in there has become less frequent I now do most of my chatting on ICQ *S* BUT I will from time to time pop in there in hopes of running into friends or possiable making new ones. If I had one peice of advice to give all newbies to chat I would suggest that being honest if you chose to share information about yourself is the only way to be for then maybe you'll be as lucky as I have to make life long friendships with people from all walks of life and from all over the world.
I'm looking forward to all my tomorrows. I believe that if you can make just one person smile everyday then you have accompished alot...and if your really lucky and you make a person's heart smile then you've done your job...
My motto..(A DREAMER LIVES FOR ETERNITY), someone who never Dreams and does not believes in them, stands at the door afraid to open it...Someone once told me, *Its better to feel Love once.... then to never feel it at all*, so take the chance and follow your dreams...Let every day be a dream we can touch......Let every day be a love we can feel........Let every day be a reason to live.....*huge grin*

Don't Die With The Music Still In You
Find It, Play It, And Enjoy It

There's A HERO if you look inside your heart,you don't have to be afraid of what you are.

There's an answer if you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt

And then A HERO comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive.

So when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth that, A HERO lies in you

My Beauties...Amanda, Michelle and Amy
"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever."

*psst* Thats why I have this little corner in my heart that I put the people I love, there I keep them and know their always with me. *smile*

~*Tequila Time*~ *giggles*

*sitting at my puter chatting* Geez!! all I need is my halo eh/ Little Ms Innocence *VBS*

"sitting and working at my puter* YA!! right *giggle*

~*Three of my favorite quotes*~

And we find at the end of a perfect day,
The soul of a friend we've made.

I believe we are always attracted to what we
need most, an instinct leading us toward the
persons who are to open new vistas in our lives
and fill them with new knowledge.

And my Favourite *giggle*

A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat.
A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday.
A friend will tell you she saw your old boyfriend - and he's a PRIEST.

These two pictures were taken with my handy dandy camera I have attached to my puter. The first is me waving at you all and the second is for all those who like to pick on me *giggle*

Sometimes the paths we take are long and hard,
But remember: those are always the ones that lead to the most beautiful views.

A Song For Pammie from my Favourite Resource Centre Manager ~Steve~
*psst* Mail Box ect. Who..*giggle*

Somewhere, Someday

When the clouds above you start to pour, and all of your doublts rage like a storm
and you don't know who you are anymore. Let me help you find what you've been searching for
Somewhere there's a field and a river, you can let your soul run free
Someday let me be the giver, let me bring you peace.
Somewhere there's a break in the weather, where your heart and spirit go free.
I know you think no one sees the weight on your shoulders,
But you can't fool me, and aren't you tired of standing so tall.
Let me be the one to catch you when you fall
Let me bring you joy, let me bring you peace.
Take the tears that you cry, trust them to me.
Let me give you heart, and give you hope
Thankyou ~Steve~ *hug*

Lord here I am in the middle of St Louis and the PQ can find them anywhere eh!..*giggle*

May all your dreams never disappear with age,
but may they continue as
alive and as beautiful as you
with the knowledge that they
will someday come true.

My Partners In Crime The Many Mornings After *giggle* Karen and Laura

Me and My Girlfriends doing the WWF Thingy..*giggle* *ppst* thats me in the middle

~*My Artwork*~

M.J. Fly Fly little wing, Fly beyond imagining, the softest cloud the whitest dove, upon the wind of heavens love, pass the planets and the stars and fly again.... Fly Fly precious one, your endless journey has just begun, take your gentle happiness cross over to the other shore, there it speaks for evermore. I'll hold this memory bitter sweet, for evermore until we meet..... Fly Fly do not fear, your hearts aglow, your soul is free, be on your way don't wait for me above the universe you'll climb, and beyond the hands of time..... the moon will rise the sun will set, but i won't FORGETmy Mikey. Fly Fly little wing Fly fly where angels sing....

Your Always On My Mind *fav poem*

I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought.
Sometimes I bring you there purposely to console me or to warm me
Or just to make my day a little brighter.

So often you surprise me, though and find your own way into my thoughts.
There are times when I awaken and realize what a tender part of my dreams you have been.
And on into the day whenever a peaceful momet seems to come my way and my imagination is free to run.
It takes me running into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do.

I know that my thought are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart.
Because whenever they wonder they always take me to you.

Well that's it People, thanks for dropping by and having a looksy *VBS*