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A Place Of Pretend...(and Methos)

Christina A's Highlander Fanfiic
My methos gallery. Lotsa pics you might want to click refresh couple of times.
Methosluvr's page. Some of the pics in my gallery come from here. But she's got the most and the best.
Methos' friends and irritations
My Room in the Methos Harem

Hello! Welcome to my place of Pretend. Please check reality at the door. Come in sit down. Grab a bottle of beer...or pepsi. Depending on your preference. What's that? Lightening strike? Oh that's just the Old Man taking a head.

He'll be in shortly. Hence the large supply of beer in the fridge. Have a seat and make yourself welcome.

My Highlander Fanfiction has been moved to The Brewery

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The Raven’s Nest
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Sign my Guestbook or I'll get the Old Man after you with his sword...(and if he won't do it I'll sucker MacLeod into it! )

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