
Behind the door is a winding staircase, lined with bright flashing lights. It is very bright. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see a line of stars twinkling in near the far wall, It was a portal.

You walk around a little, touching things... Then you stop realizing that that something you don't know lives here. You come to a mirror. You look into it, since it is a little weird...
All of a sudden, a dragon jumps out of it, laughing. It's very friendly feminine laugh, and the white dragon seemed to smile...
"Hello! I'm Tehgh, I'm a Vortex dragon. You know what? I found a silver penny! I gave it to Teradex, my mate, since he's on a treasure hunt, and that's what he needs. And he gave me a beautiful ring!!! Look!"

She walks over to the portal... "This leads to where I'm from."
"What planet is that?"
"I dunno.... Gryphon's planet."
"I see."

"What language do they speak there?"
"English...I guess." she laughs again "Do you have a mate?"
"Umm... no..."
"Oh! I'm sorry for my rudeness... I'm just curious..." she giggles "Watch."
She makes the lights go out, and stars appear on the ceiling. She starts jumping. The stars seem to jump with her. She spins around, and the stars do the same.
"You try." she says
You start jumping. The stars jump. you keep moving with the stars, and Tehgh shows you how to make them change color...
Cloud comes in... "Hey Tehgh! Gimme five!" Cloud puts up her hand up and Tehgh hits it with her paw, careful not to scratch her... "You better turn the lights and the portal on... Remember what happened last time..."
"Oh, right. OK"
She turns the lights and the portal back on, and the stars dissapear.
"They were pretty cool..." you say...
"I can make a sun. Wait a second." in a few seconds, a small blue sun-looking object appears in front of you. "Oops!" she says, then the sun turns gold "Go ahead, it works like the stars..."
"What happened last time?" you ask.
"Well, ...".... she tells the story...

Name: Tehgh
Age: Teen
Color: White
Gender: Female
Species: Vortex Dragon
Mother: ?
Father: ?
Siblings: ?
Mate: The sweetest cutest best dragon in the world... drumrool please! Teradex!
Offspring: I'm a youth! Wake up and smell the klah! ::hee hee::

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My URL: http://fly.to/TheFirstPegasus

I got it for free at http://come.to

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