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Heather's Home away from Home!

Stuff I like:

  • Friends
  • Movies and Musicals
  • Harry Potter
  • Acting
  • Children and Teaching
  • Kim Anderson photos
  • Muhlenberg
  • Life in General
  • Last But Not Least *The color BLUE*

Well, here's my Web Page. I've decided to broaden my talents and create a new page!

January 2004

Here's a little bit about the stuff I like in my list!

As the song goes
"Raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens..."
These are a few of my favorite things

Falling in love
Laughing so hard your face hurts or you have to pee
A hot shower
No lines at any supermarket/mall/store
A special glance
Passing someone and receiving acknowledgement
The "look"
Finishing eachother's sentences
Getting mail
Taking a drive on a pretty road with the windows down
Hearing your favorite song on the radio
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside
Hot towels out of the dryer
Snow ball fights, sleigh riding, and snow forts
Finding what you want is on sale
A long distance phone call
A bubble bath
A good conversation
The beach
Ocean breeze
Finding money in your coat from last winter
Laughing at yourself
Midnight phone calls that last for hours
Running through sprinklers
Laughing for absolutely no reason at all
Having someone tell you that you're beautiful
Laughing at an inside joke
Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you
Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep
Your first kiss
Goodnight kisses that you want to last forever
Making new friends or spending time with old ones
Playing with a new puppy
Having someone play with your hair
Sweet dreams
Hot chocolate with whipped cream
Road trips with friends
Swinging on swings
Wrapping presents
Holding newborn babies
Song lyrics
Making eye contact with a cute stranger
Winning a really competitive game
Making chocolate chip cookies
Having your friends send you homemade cookies
Spending time with close friends
Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends
Holding hands with someone you care about
Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change
Riding in front on the best roller coasters
Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you
Watching the sun rise
Watching the sun set
Recalling really good memories from your childhood
Food fights
Those moments in life when you look around and want to freeze time
*Some of these courtesy of Jax's email

February 2004

February 2004

December 2003

December 2003

October 2003

July 2002

June 2002

January 2001

December 2000

October 2000

August 2000

July 2000

June 2000

June 2000
Friends - Friends are important and I've found this out going to college. Something about spending all of your time, eating, sleeping, going to class, working, and living your lives with these people helps build lasting friendships. This section is in the process of being revamped so pardon the construction. Visit the link to my Friends page and start understanding what I'm talking about.
Heather's All About Friends Page

Movies - I myself have a top 10

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • American Beauty
  • Legend
  • American Pie
  • Goonies
  • The Princess Bride
  • Shakespeare in Love
  • Dazed and Confused
  • Empire Records
  • Sixteen Candles
I love Musicals too!

Some Faves:

  • Grease
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Tommy
  • West Side Story
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Bye Bye Birdie
  • The Sound of Music
  • Oliver
  • Newsies
  • Chicago
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Cinderella
  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  • Les Miserables *
  • Annie
  • Miss Saigon *
  • Beauty and the Beast *
  • Jekyll and Hyde *
  • Kiss Me Kate *
  • Guys and Dolls
  • The Producers
  • Rent *

* means I've seen this on Broadway

I love quotes as well!

I use to list all of the quotes that I had, but that took up way too much space. So now, come and see my new page, strictly dedicated to movie quotes!

Heather's Movie Quotes Page

Harry Potter - Naturally I'm a big movie nut, so when Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was coming out I decided to catch a glimpse of what the movie is about. I wasn't swept up in the craze yet, after all, the books had been out since '97. Well, I borrowed a friend's collection (she has the set) and started reading a week before the movie premiered. I couldn't put the damn thing down! I read the whole book in one sitting. It was eat, sleep, Harry Potter. Needless to say, I was hooked! Ordered tickets to the movie in advance and got the whole set for myself. Harry Potter has become my new obsession. I was a the bookstore at midnight when the The Order of the Phoenix came out and finished it a week later. And you know what...I don't care if I'm almost an adult...I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!

Children and Teaching - I love teaching and helping children and I feel that there are a lot of things you can learn from kids. Kids amaze me sometimes with their abilities to absorb and take in so much. I am currently enrolled in Muhlenberg's Education Program. I've completed the first part of my student teaching experience in 6th grade at Trexler Middle School in Allentown, PA. I begin my second placement at Weisenberg Elementary on March 24, 2004.
Visit my Student Teaching Page to get an idea about what I've been doing with myself this sememster.
Next step, my own classroom. Keep your fingers crossed!

Kim Anderson - I'm addicted to these types of photos. I can't get enough of the black and white photographs with the spot color. The fact that the characters are children dressed in over sized adult clothing makes me smile. I love these.

Visit my Kim Anderson Pages

Muhlenberg College - Freshman year has come to an end at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Thanks to all of the friends I've made over the course the years. It's been one hell of a ride filled with more memories than I can remember. With its up's and down's you'd be surprised that I'm still coming back, but I love the school and most of the people in it.
I'll be graduating in May 2004 with a B.A. in English and certified in Elementary Education.

Boy was a busy girl: Resident Advisor - Prosser Hall '01-'02
Head Resident Advisor - Walz Hall '02-'03
President Residence Hall Association - Fall '01- Fall'03
Chair Education Society - '02-'04
Student Advisor - '03-'04
Vice President RHA - Fall '03
Soul Sound Stepper - '03-'04

Visit pictures from
My Freshman Year at the 'Berg

Life - Life has had it's up's and down's lately, but it's a new year, a fresh start, and I think everything will be A.O.K! Anyway, I've been thinking about everything that has happened to me, remembering the good times and trying to forget the bad and I stumbled over the idea for "The Soundtrack to Life". What I'm getting at is, if someone wrote the screenplay to your life's story, what music would you encounter on your "life's soundtrack".
I came up with my list:

  • Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - "American Girl"
  • The Who - "Teenage Wasteland"
  • OAR - "Hey Girl"
  • Jason Mraz - "You and I Both"
  • Phish - "Bouncin Round the Room"
  • Joe Cocker - "A Little Help From My Friends"
  • Crosby, Stills, and Nash - "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes"
  • Coldplay - "Clocks"
  • Nick Drake - "Pink Moon"
  • Mason Williams - "Classical Gas"
  • Dave Matthews Band - "Crash into me"
  • Weezer - "Holiday"
  • OAR - "Mr Moon"
  • Third Eye Blind - "Motorcycle Driveby"
  • Dispatch - "Two Coins"
  • Guster - "Happier"
  • Eric Clapton - "Layla"
  • Toploader - "Dancing in the Moonlight"
  • Paula Cole - "I Don't Want to Wait"
  • John Lennon - "In My Life"
  • The Beach Boys - "Wouldn't It Be Nice"

Most of these songs bring me back to a certain point in my life while others remind me of a person to the point of tears. I hope this makes you think as to what you might put on your "life's" soundtrack and what songs trigger memories for you.

The Color Blue - The bestest color in the world!

:-) Well, that beez it! Visit Again!! (-:

This site was created 6/30/98

This site was last updated 3/9/04

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"I never realized creating a web page was so complicated!"

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HH Senior Year in Review | Graduation
Freshman Year at the 'Berg | Freshman Year at the 'Berg Page II
Freshman Year at the 'Berg Page III
Friends | Rec | Senior Year Pics '03-'04 | Student Teaching '04

You are listening to Suite:Judy Blue Eyes by Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
