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Welcome to Gus Vegas' Home Page

A Partner's Vietnam Vet's Motorcycle Club

I started working on a page for bikes, rides, and clubs quite awhile ago. As this page was developing, I met a person that was involved with a Vietnam Vet's Motorcycle Club. He has a hell of a group of guys with him and I said I'd like to help put them on the web. If everything goes well, which I'm sure it will, I'll have info on their club and events.
Out of respect for their rules and regulations, I withholding any info at this time until it clears the powers that be.
Don't hesitate if you also know of a group that would like help with putting their info here too! that's what this is's not just my can be our page as well. I will be working also, inside the next 2 or 3 weeks, on putting up a page dedicated to our POW/MIA's. One of the slickest features of that page will be an opportunity for you to adopt a name on the wall. When I've registered with OJC..I'll have my name and show it too you..If your interested, as I hope you'll be. I can put your adopted name on it's own page here also. I'm no web page magician..but I'll do my best to do them justice.

  • A special thanks to Dennis' Eagles for use of the Eagle and flag..check out his page. Also, a link and page will soon be posted dedicated to the POW/MIA's

    Let's start with some nice bikes!

  • Check out the bikes at V-twin City!'d think ya died and went to heaven!
  • Twin Eagle , has some nice Scoots too..check them out

    Clubs, Groups, and Associations

  • Click here: Vallejo H.O.G.
  • An important note I recieved awhile back: Please visit and support the Forest Hills High School Jacket Regiment. They're giving you an opportunity to ride off on a brand new HOG!..check em out to see which one! and if you could, place a link to your page if possible. They will be happy to add a reciprocal link on their page. All proceeds from this event are used in direct support of the Forest Hills High School Jacket Regiment. They really have a great bunch of kids in the band and they need all the support they can get. Further details can be found on their web page.
  • You got to check out Rickko's page,..nice place to see what you otta be paying for that scoot..or at least see the markup ..
  • Ronnie's, done alot of work here! great resources for bikes and just about anything related to them..
  • Check out Tom's Home Page, Amorphous Motorway, I like linking to homepages
  • Vietnam Vet's Motorcycle Club Don't Forget our Vets!! Thanks to Bill for helping to bring awareness to others concerning these Men and Ladies. If you have any other Vietnam Vet's links you'd like to see here. Let me'll be added. I'm not a Vet, but I back them 100%.
  • Related to our Vet Bros..something they may want to check out, American Veteran and Military Links Though I love riding and bikes..I care about people more. That's why this is here.
  • More stories of courage, unbelievable courage..Of Vietnam Vets who've recieved the Medal of Honor
  • Harley Owners Group
  • American Motorcyclist Association
  • Christian Motorcycle Association
  • Modified Motorcycle Association
  • San Diego Chapter of the Pink Lady Motorcycle Club, L.A.'s Club, is the newest link I have. She dropped by my page the other day..said she liked it and we "linked" up. Soon to and pics...sounds fun and a little wild...check 'em out!
  • Ridin' The Wind, Denise brought this together about 2 years ago because she saw the need for more women's motorcycle sites. She did a great job. Special thanks to Paula for helping me get in contact with the group and getting "linked up!".

    Chat Resources

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    Mi Familia!

  • The Lil' lady, Sandra
  • My oldest boy.. Joe
  • This is the second oldest,.. Gus just graduated
  • And here's Rico.. as a little boy
  • And the baby boy of the bunch, though alot older now ( Jake
  • This is Jake's baby picture..he thinks he's a star!
  • Don't let me leave out my little cuties, Nina and Bianca
  • And the real baby of the bunch, my youngest daughter Mia
  • Angel is in the middle of the pack!
  • Stephy (on right)and her sister Michele..can't get them apart...

    My Friends miscellaneous pages ( just started!)

  • Genealogy of Victor Perez and Milagros Santiago

    It's not just my kids that mean the world to me

  • An African Proverb says: It takes a whole village to raise a child..

    Miscellaneous Links (It could be anything!)

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    What's going on everyone? I've been pretty busy lately. My last page told of the some of the bikes I've owned, but not of the bike I just bought. So I thought I tell ya alittle about it. 1999 Road King Classic, bought it new in Vallejo from what else? Harley Davidson of Vallejo. Got a great price on it and am really enjoyed working with the folks down that way. Great service and they back their products. I bought it bone stock. After the breakin period, I started some very modest modifications. I got rid of the stock pipes and put on some Rich Products, Thunderheaders. What a difference a set of pipes sounds great now! At the same time, I put on Screamin Eagles Stage 1 kit..a high flow air cleaner, new module for the fuel injection, and who knows what else. Oh yeah, I just put on some yellow running lights and a sissy bar with a rack..the bikes slowly coming together. Over all, the bike seems to be running alot smoother. Not so much on the bottom end, but on the top end. I've had a lot of comments on the bike, I'm hoping to snap a picture and put it up for you to see. I'm doing a lot of looking around also, to see what other modifications I want to do for it. Right now, I'm just thinking of cosmetic, chrome and more chrome. I've had few other bikes in the past; Yamahas, Hondas, and a 1984 Low Rider ( which was and still is my favorite). But this new Road King..I can tell I'm going to have alot of fun with it. I like fixing it up and riding it. I did join our local HOG Chapter from Vallejo. We meet at Palby's on Highway 29 going out towards Napa, California. I also belong to the Christian Motorcycle Association which meets at Star's Restaurant on Redwood Street in Vallejo. I have some friends who belong to the Modified Motorcycle Association which meets at Terrible Terry's in Vallejo on Benicia Road. Rick B. Says their a great bunch over there also and I should check them out..I think I will. I really want this page to turn into a people connection..I'm trying to shy away from commerical sites and concentrate on people's personnal homepages, clubs and associatons. Don't be shy about letting me know who you ride with or even the fact that you like riding alone. I want to put all of you on this site. Keep the letters coming in. I look forward to hearing from you all :) !!

    GoTTA LoTTA rUNnin ARouND tO Do!!
    Last update: 9/12/99

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