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Taste my ButtaLove

Please take the time to read what I have to say!

click on MORE to see more pictures of me


This page was designed for people I meet on the internet that would like to know what I look like

I hope after you have read my page you will want to get to know me.

My real name is Marissa I attend University of South Florida I am 20 years old I like to read books and I love reading my guest book! So hit me up a line or two!
some people take up 20 or 30 lines in my book but that is okay! (lol)

Can you dance like me? Sure you can't!
If you want to e-mail on the hand coming out of the mailbox!

A special shot out to all the people who have web-sites and added me to your site, THANKS!

First of all I would like to thank Errol b.k.a. DA METH

My chat friends......(in no particular order) My favorite Buddy's on the chat line:

RZA, Fam66, Rahzel, My MDJ, Bad Girl, Mr. Jay, Circy, Hershey Brown, Babyman, Tru Master P, Phoneman, daDilly, Lowcash, Cormega, Dkny, Rissa, Ariez, Remy, 4U2NVC, Black Delight, Charles, Hype, Dr. no, Max, Annika, Redman, Puma, My BWS, JJ, Lord Tareef, Aaliyah13, Aaliyah*, Sparkel*, Rhyme, Creeper, Faada, Big Dawg, Cleo, Korleone, GT Nigga, Monique, Quietstorm98 and many many more! If I forgot ya name hit me an E-mail or let me know some kind of way!

Give your Love Guestbook by GuestWorld Feel my Love

Read my old Guest book

Guestbook by GuestWorld

What I look for in a man........

  • Honesty
  • Good Looks
  • Trust
  • Height
  • Give there all in a relationship
  • Nice Body
  • Subtile
  • Candid
  • Soft Hands
  • Great sense of Humor
  • Deligent Man
  • IF you qualify Scroll Down & E-mail me!!


This page is PHAT. I love it ! ! !

My Sis ARieZ~ Page!

Ms. Bad Girl

The Bad Boys Playas Lounge



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