^ Closest Known Relative of Brian

The Guys from ma Hood Yo
The Friends Section (under construction)
Mike's Webpage it kicks ass... go to it
Funny pics check em out
Current Poll
Funny Conversations here (under construction
Winter Party 1/02/04
Best Webpage in the Universe Apparently

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Jan 3, 2004: Happy New Year and what not. Damn I'm really erratic when it comes to making updates here. Well just hosted my Winter Party 2004 and it seemed to go over really well. Click the link above for all the pics I got during it.

December 1, 2003: Aight well the guest book is working fairly well now, occasionally someone's post doesn't work but keep signing. I got more pics of people up oh and I'm going to have a random picture section where I post/host random pictures that you all send in if you want them in.

November 24, 2003: Whew been forever since I've updated, but yeah, the guest book works, new images and content soon to come.

August 18, 2003: Just wanted to say, I've got the icon's section up, just to showcase some of the icons I've done. Most of them are fairly basic due my use of actual pictures in them. I'm still up for any icon requests anyone might have.

August 17, 2003: Whew, not many updates, yeah I know, I'm lazy. But really I still need pics from lots of people hopefully will be taking them soon.
Oh yeah, also wanted to mention I'll be lending my buddy icon skills to anyone with a request. I've got time on my hands and I find it fun to fool around with the software. If you want an Icon made, e-mail me @ CHCRugger518@aol.com and give me a description of what you'd like it to be, nothing too elaborate, I can't make anything with a huge file size.

August 11, 2003: Was on vacation for an entire week so not much updating has been done. A few updates to the friends section. I plan on adding a bit more soon.

Oh and by the way... I've realized that for some reason the guestbook isn't working right... hopefully I'll be able to get that all resolved asap.

July 30, 2003: If you haven't noticed already there's now music on the main page. Only problem with this is if too many people go to the website in a short period of time the bandwidth overloads. Simply put, when the bandwidth overloads the site comes innaccesible for a period of time because Angelfire is pretty assish. Today got the 'convos' section running... currently its a little small but that will change soon enough.

July 29, 2003: Funny pics section is up and running, still have to add plenty... oh and of course still need more pics for the friends section, so if you had any please send em in. (BTW if I accidentally forgot you my bad, I'll get right on it). Also the guest book is up so check that when you have a chance.
Just updated site again... getting the poll section up so it doesn't take up space in my profile.

July 28, 2003: Yeah first update in forever... holy crap its been like 6 months or so.
Well anyway the webpage is goin back up... ya happy?
Well so far the 'friends' section is up and running its still under construction... the pics that don't work I don't have pics for those people yet, and I'm still adding more peeps so keep an eye out.
Hopefully it'll be updated more hah... right

Oh and check these:

Crazylegs Himself
Are You HOT or NOT?

Durrr Dis id Bwian
Are You HOT or NOT?
Somehow this kid almost has a 7.. look at the bar he has like 10 votes above 5...