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Beer Barons' Beer Guide

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Welcome to The Beer Barons' Great Big Beer Guide! This web site is meant to provide the average Joe or Joette with some kind of idea when it comes to foreign beer. We hope that through this web site we may help you avoid some of the horrible, disgusting "beers" that we've had to drink, and also recommend some of the excellent beers that we've had. All of the ratings and comments have been made by Evan, Richard, and Phil. From time to time there have been others who have assisted in the ratings and comments, but we composed the core of the brave, hardcore foreign beer drinkers who have dared to try them all. Everyone who has helped out will be listed in the shout outs section. We hope that this site will help you all in some way in your future foreign beer selections.

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Beer lovers:

All HTML done by Evan
Website last updated February 26, 2004