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Have you got a journalistic or media talent to share with music fans throughout the independent music scene in the Southern Maryland area? Do you enjoy going to see local bands and want to express your experiences through words, and want to let the entire Southern Maryland music scene know about your experiences and opinions?

Southern Maryland Music Online is now looking for monthly feature writers, live show coverage reporters, Southern Maryland area live music venue review writers. SMMO also has great need for local band and musician live performance review writers who will be responsible for short stories and reviews of band, and musician, live performances and discuss the experiences related to band performance and audience reaction.

Becoming a staff writer for SMMO is very easy and it can be fun and rewarding venture as well. Anyone can do it, you can be a musician and tell us what you think about the venues you perform in, or you can be an audience member and write your story about the live music venue you visited, and/or the band you saw performing. All you need to do is attend local music venues in the Southern Maryland area and tell us what you thought about the band or the venue... pretty simple!

This is also a great opportunity for local college and high school students who want to direct their studies and careers towards the literary arts. You need the practice and SMMO needs your skills, so this is your chance to do some real reporting!

Here’s what SMMO needs from you!

* Monthly Feature Article Writers :
Report a story on subjects that may include bands or musicians new CD or Demo releases, the grand opening of new live music venues in the Southern Maryland area, special live music events in the area like “battle of the bands“, fund raising / charity events, headlining concerts by local bands that are performing more “open air” concerts such as county fairs, town hall concerts, etc.
(Articles may include a limited number of digital photographs.)

*Band / Musician Performance Review Writers:
SMMO wants you to be a part of the action and tell us your opinions and experiences of a live band, or musicians, live performance that you have attended in the Southern Maryland area. Write a story that describes the bands on stage prescence, their interactions with the audience, confront audience members and ask them what they think about the band or musician, basically we want you to be able to put the reader right there in your place and give them the entire experience through your words, make the reader a part of the action, like they were there themselves.
(Articles may include a limited number of digital photographs.)

*Live Music Venue Review Writers:
Go to live music venues in the Southern Maryland area, pick a different one each time you go. Write your story based on your experiences of the venue, tell us about the staff, the food, the drinks, the crowds, is it an inviting place to go, is it clean, is it friendly, what‘s the atmosphere, what‘s the average age range of the audience, what could make it a better place to go. We want to know what to expect when we go there to see a bands performance. We want you to tell the whole story about the venue, give us all the details and give us information that would help us decide if we would want to venture into the business.
(Articles may include a limited number of digital photographs.)

*CD / Demo Review Writers:
When you go to see a local band or musician perform, ask them if they have a CD or Demo available, you may have to purchase the CD to support the musicians, but a few dollars is worth it, sometimes they have a free copy to offer for staff review writers, just tell them what your intentions are. Write a story based on your opinion of the bands overall sound, what style of music do they play, are the songs fun to listen to, what the feeling behind the music and the story behind the song. You have to describe to the reader what it is like, in good detail, to listen to this musicians’ music. On occasion, SMMO will provide a reviewer with particular CD copies for review.
(Articles may include a limited number of digital photographs.)

*Music Scene Article Writers:
This is a wide open spectrum of reporting and analysis where your opinions matter. We need writers to report on many subjects of the Southern Maryland music scene. Tell us what would make the local music scene a better one, what is missing from the scene, should there be more live music performances available to the general public outside of the bar / club scene, should more local governments, or organizations, consider hosting of weekly, or monthly free, live music concerts in their area. Write a story and tell us what the music scene should consider to better itself and how we could attract more, diverse interest in Southern Maryland’s live, local, scene. As a writer in this field, you are limited by no boundaries, and your opinions could start something new that no one ever thought about, and you can be responsible for bring changes for the better.
(Articles may include a limited number of digital photographs.)

*Street Teamsters Union:
SMMO is currently looking for a few good people to join the “SMMO Street Teamsters Union“. SMMO needs a few outgoing, people friendly, volunteers in certain regions of the Charles, St.Mary’s, and Calvert County areas to help in the distribution of printed advertisement, promotional, and marketing materials directly to live music venue audiences, and music related businesses, in the Southern Maryland area. SMMO is trying to build it’s audience based relationship, so, we need someone who can shake hands with audience members and give them promotional / marketing materials specifically related to the SMMO website and make an effort to obtain a list of SMMO Monthly Newsletter recipients . We need people who can go to live music venues in the area and “sell” people on the idea of visiting the SMMO website and helping to support our cause. If you frequent local venues in your area, and you would like to help us promote, then we would greatly appreciate your efforts and we do need your help. Please contact SMMO today for more details in what we need you to do. Tell us you want to join the SMMO Street Teamsters Union.

Current locations in need of a teamster:
*Indian Head
*La Plata
*Chesapeake Beach
*Prince Frederick
*Charolotte Hall
*Lexington Park

Want to join the SMMO Street Teamsters Union?
For more details, contact SMMO via email at:
Join us, and become a teamster in your area!

NOTE: SMMO will bear all printed materials costs, and shipping costs where applicable, there is no printing cost(s) to the “SMMOSTU” member.

When the situation warrants it, which includes your participation as a “staff writer”, who will be reporting back to SMMO through a submission of written review(s) or a feature story on a particular event, SMMO will provide funding to purchase live performance concert tickets, and backstage passes( if available), for YOU and (1) friend, for your admission to special concerts and music events in the area. SMMO will also provide funding to you for purchases of any CD materials that the band(s), and / or, musician(s) may have available for sale at the concert for the purpose of review articles of the band / musician CD material.

*Disclaimers - Volunteer Writer(s) submission(s):

All of the above described “positions” are “voluntary”, therefore, writers who submit reviews, articles, and / or feature stories, will NOT receive any form of monetary reimbursement(s) for their participation in their written submissions to SMMO.

All submissions must be no less than 3 paragraphs!

All writers will receive full credits attached to their written submissions when submissions are accepted and posted on the web site.

All written submissions will become property of SMMO.

Views and opinions expressed by volunteer writer(s), are not necessarily that of the SMMO staff or it’s staff members.

The SMMO Editor / Webmaster has the right to accept, deny, and / or edit a writers submission based on mis-information or obscene language that may not suitable for all readers.

OK... I'm ready and willing, but, how do I submit my material to SMMO?:

It's quite simple, just submit your article, story, or review, plus any digital photos (200x200 max.) as attachments you may have to SMMO via email at:

Be sure to include your contact information!
Name, Email Address, and Phone Number

(NOTE: only your name will be used for credit purposes in
submissions - all other contact info. is held private)

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