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The Official Newsletter of the Southern Maryland Horse Association, Inc. 

P.O. Box 17, Tracys Landing, Md.  20779



December  2005



President:  Mari Douglas        Vice President:  Michael MacLeod

Treasurer: Sylvia Brownlee           Corresponding Secretary:  Alison Reigle

Recording Secretary:  Mary Ann  Buckley

Board of Directors:  Betsy Andrews, Kelly McCarley, Dianne McClary, Diane Hedlund, Karol Dyson, Robert Buckley, Melissa Douglas



Email address:

Equestrian Center Webpage:

Stall Reservations:  Tlinesporthorses



Rules Committee:  Betsy Andrews, Mary Ann Buckley          Judges Committee: Mari Douglas, Mary Ann Buckley

Show Committee:  Board Of Directors                                  Steward Committee: Board Of Directors

Awards Committee: Mari Douglas, Diane Hedlund             Banquet Committee: Mari Douglas, Mary Ann Buckley     


Announcer:  Mari Douglas

Course Design:  Kim Bonelli

Website Design:  Krisations Web Design

Jump Crew:  Justin Lewis, Brent Lankford, Jose

Office Staff:  Vicki Turley, Wendy Bunker, Betsy Andrews

EMT:  Candyce Hilgenberg







6:30 pm


President’s Notes: The 2005 Show season was again a great success, and we have our marvelous and talented membership to thank for making it a pleasure to hold.  We pride ourselves on our sportsmanship, and strive to maintain our atmosphere of having a fun time while learning the ropes of showing.  We will continue to try to improve where we can in an ongoing effort to serve our membership better.  In that thought, the Open Membership meeting will be held December 8, 2005 at 6:30 pm at Southern Middle School in Lothian, Maryland.  Issues such as next year’s officers, new rule changes, and other items will be discussed.  Now is your chance to have some input into helping make our show season and club even better.


Year End Banquet:  Our Year End Banquet this year is being held at the Waldorf Jaycees on January 7, 2006, from 6pm – 10 pm. 

Banquet form is attached to this newsletter.  We will try to seat everyone at their preferred barn tables.  Reserveations due by December 22, 2005. Please mail to Mary Ann Buckley @705 Greenwood Creek Ct, Grasonville, Md. 


Prize Selections:  In our ongoing efforts to please our membership, this year the prize selection sheets have been changed.  The selections for Champion and Reserve Champion are the same, and this year, we are allowing people to combine their awards for a bigger prize.  There are several people who qualify on these awards…please check your standings carefully to see if you qualify.  There is no obligation to combine…your choice.

We are also offering the option of combining ribbon placements, including Champion and Reserve ribbons.  For those of us who work in offices or have professional workspaces, we are offering either a small “office” suitable trophy for one placing, or for combined placings, a wall plaque that will be inscribed with the multiple placings.  There are other selections as well that can be picked from.  Please look carefully…any questions, please email for clarification. 


ATTENTION: needs to hear from the following people regarding their prize selections!  We will do our best at this late date to accommodate!


Bonnie Darcey (Sophie)

Brittany Clark (Jets Final Applause)

Bryanna Eckhardt (Lous Siesta Joy)

John Kornreich (Charming Miss)

Christine Bolander (HR Rivers Legend, HR Cool Hand Luke)

Tara Lewis (Double Take, Tip Of The Bullett))

Elizabeth Gannon (KCSWhat Luck Leaguer)

Mia Griffin (Farnley Hi Mark)

Lori Hancock (Fiests, Fandango)

Marlena Stickley ( FPM Vendetta)

Patsie Degges Jones (Hollywood)

Ivy Sarmiento (Got The Blues)

Sophie Sarmiento (Got The Blues)

Carrie Ogilvie (Jana Capital Jack)

Marcia Wakefield (Morgan Woods Miss T)

Donna Mattingly (Quilting Kate)

Elizabeth Boggs (Ramses)

Patricia Prettyman (Red October, Voyeur))

Wayne Higdon (Southern Comfort)

Elizabeth Ford (Sterling Enhancer)

Michaele Moore (TNT Raisin Cain)

Kristin Welch (Trade Secret)

Jennifer Lynn  (Tuff Sheik On You)

Erin Diedrich (Unbridled Dreams)

Please contact Mari Douglas at ASAP, or call 410-533-1406 or 410-257-1662….both numbers have answering services.  If you did not receive prize selection information, we can forward it to you so choices can be made. 


LAST YEAR’S AWARDS:  If your award from last year is still outstanding please contact so the award can be rectified.


Proposed Rule Changes:


Conformation/Model:  Reconfigure Classes


Conformation/Model 2 Year Olds

Conformation 3 and 4 Year Olds

Conformation 5 Years & Over


Mini English Equitation Walk Trot Pattern – Switch To Disciplined Rail


Masters English Equitation and Pleasure – May not enter any class requiring jumping  over 2’


Green English Pleasure Walk Trot – horse may not enter any division requiring jumping over 2”


Green Horse Hunter Walk Trot 6 Yrs & Over – may not enter any class requiring jumping over 2”


English Hunter 5 Years & Under – May not enter any class requiring jumping over 2”



Show Changes:  Because Southern Maryland continues to grow, and we cater to a clientele of green/novice horses and riders, we are proposing a change in our Sunday show format.  We are proposing to have three rings, using the “schooling ring” for Model, English Leadline, English Leadline Offlead, English Equitation Walk, and Mini English Equitation Walk Trot and Mini English Pleasure (8 & Under, 9 & 10 Years, 11& 12 years) be held in this ring.  This would allow schooling in the main rings over fences until 0900 am or longer, or the conclusion of the Model classes.  Once Model concludes, we can proceed with the Horse ring, and in the Pony Ring, start with Short Stirrup, proceed with Junior Novice English Equitation,  then go to the Pleasure Pony division, followed byJunior English Pleasure Walk Trot and so on.   We are hoping this offers our clientele a longer schooling period over better jumps, and make for a smoother running show, not to mention ending a little earlier.  We would also like to encourage more participation in our Large Pony Hunter and English Performance Conformation classes if possible.  We think they are not as utilized as they could be due the length of the show.  We would like to hear from the schooling barns since this would affect them most with their multiple riders and animals….


Board of Directors:  Again it is that time of year when we look for anyone who might be interested in serving on the Board.  Nominations or interested parties can respond to:


Sportsmanship Petpetuals:   We are looking for nominations for our Sportsmanship awards again this year….if you have any nominations, please forward them to  These awards are:


Barbara Jones memorial Junior Sportsmanship Award


Bill Tate memorial Sportsmanship Award (Seniors)


Larry Douglas Memorial Sports Booster of the Year Award