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Welcome to Krueger's Reflexology
Sunday, 3 July 2005
Health responses from a Reflexology treatment
 Reflexology Health Benefits
after a treatment

You may get health benefits to show it worked for you.
Good results after a treatment may occur one or all
it is individual after effect.

1. Frequent urination, flushing out the poisons in your body

2. Eliminating waste: within a hour or so after reflexology:
Toxins and poisons being eliminated from the colon

3. Nasal drip, especially if you have congestion, sinus, or cold

4. Excessive energy because of the increased circulation and blood

5. Built up gas in the digestive tract may be relieved from the
digestive tract reflex area worked during session

6. Thirsty

7. Small amount of itchy feeling usually legs or other parts of the body. Doesn’t last long, this is because of increased circulation.

8. Fatigued for a little while, then energized.

Posted by md3/ at 10:27 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 July 2005 10:30 PM CDT
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What does Reflexology cost?
Topic: How many x do I need it ?

Cost for each treatment

One Hour $35.00
One 1/2 Hour $23.00

We also have Package Specials
3 one hour sessions for $ 95 save $10.00
3 1/2 hour sessions for $63.00 save $6.00

How many treatments do you need?
It really matters what you need help with
some iliness are very serious so you would need more sessions.
and others are things like sinus trouble, or fatigue you would and will see a difference with one session.

Posted by md3/ at 10:11 PM CDT
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List of aliments and problems reflexology can help with
Reflexology also can help with normalizing the body glands, circulation, and blood flow for all areas of the body.

Adrenal glands
Back problems
Bladder problems
Blood sugar levels
Cardiovascular system
Coronary arteries
Diaphragm lungs breathing
endocrine glands
Ear disorders
Eye disorders
Glucose level
Heart disorders
High blood pressure
Lower back pain
Lung/oxygen exchange
Lymphatic system
Menstrual problems
Metabolic arthritis
Movable joints
Muscle tone
Muscular tension
Muscular system disorders
Nervous system
Pulmonary artery
Respiratory system
Reproductive system
Sense organs
Slipped disk
Skeletal system disorders

Smoking and the lungs
Soar plexus
Urinary system
Varicose veins

Posted by md3/ at 9:43 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 July 2005 10:46 PM CDT
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Welcome to Krueger's Reflexology Massage
Topic: Welcome to Reflexology
Welcome to Krueger's Reflexology I am the owner Peggy Lee Krueger All services are personally performed by me. Giving me the best way to get to know you and your exact Health needs. I am self employed entrepreneur, single mother of 6 children with many goals. And many yet to achieve More importantly, One of those goals has inspired me to learn & find out about other Alternative, Holistic Health Remedies. Reflexology is a wonderful relaxing way to improve your health. Its a preventive to health problems. What both Relaxation Massage and Reflexology the two combined can do to help others. Its wonderful. I find enjoyment in seeing the outcome of better health for many patients. I think I have found my niche in life. I feel it a pleasure to use the gift of caring for others. Using my hands to help improve others health. With Reflexology you can & will feel better

Posted by md3/ at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 4 July 2005 12:35 AM CDT
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Saturday, 2 July 2005
The Heart
Topic: Health Facts
Heart hospital in Phoenix
Knowing your Cholesterol good or bad is important

The Silent Medical Condition

“ Try to decrease the BAD and increase the GOOD”

The American heart association recommends having your cholesterol levels measured every five years- or more often if you’re a man over 45 or a women over 55.

Bad or low density lipoprotein (LDS) should be less than 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dl) and good or high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels should be 40 mg/dl or higher.

What’s the best way to get your cholesterol numbers where you want them?

Eat foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, lose weight if you need to and exercise. Lifestyle changes can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. If these changes are not enough ask your doctor about medicines to lower cholesterol.

High Cholesterol; High triglycerides
Natural vitamin, herb, or mineral listed can help to lower HC, and HT

 The heart

Carnitene (L-Carnitine) heart support, improves metabolism, lowers blood fats, produces energy in muscles.

Inositol (inositol hexaniacinate)
Cholesterol lowering properties, increases blood flow (vasodilator) used for high cholesterol, high triglycerides, circulatory system

Melatonin lowers cholesterol, enhances immunity

These you can get at any health food store, Gnc, Basics the natural store, and possibly at Wal-mart

Posted by md3/ at 11:54 PM CDT
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Krueger’s Foot Reflexology
And Relaxation Massage

“Doctor’s Agree that
75% of our health problems are linked to Stress”

Increases blood flow, and circulation to parts of the body.
Increases energy, and Is totally relaxing
When under stress, even slight stress
The nerve to the organs become blocked, cutting off the blood flow and circulation needed, to stay a healthy organ, or gland.
Massaging these areas keeping the circulation to that area of the body, will prevent from getting serious illness.
Such as strokes, cancer, diabetes, heart, or prostrate problems. Even so minor aliments such as headaches, back ache, fatigue,
It is often said stress is one of the most destructive elements in peoples lives, but that is only a half truth.
The way we react to stress appears to be more important than the stress itself. It can effect us physically, mentally, emotionally

Reflexology helps with bone spurs, plantar f, many other foot problems too!
You don’t have to live with Aches, and Pain
Reflexology releases endorphins that elevate pain. Stimulating these areas of the foot will help that area of the body troubled to normalize again

Reflexology is a advance in the health field, it is deeply relaxing: eliminates toxins, and waste products.
Practitioners of reflexology work in hospitals, nursing homes, sports centers, natural health centers

Call now: 608 756-5267
2833 Milton Avenue
Janesville, WI 53545
Peggy Krueger Lpn, C.Reflexologist

Posted by md3/ at 11:44 PM CDT
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Where Can You Find Me ?
Mood:  happy
Topic: Reflexology Location
Krueger's Reflexology Massage
Peggy Lee Krueger Lpn,Reflexologist
Around the back therapeutic Massage
3822 Milton Avenue
Janesville,WI 53545

Posted by md3/ at 7:48 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 July 2005 4:00 PM CDT
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