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Newly Self-Published Author
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My name is Mahogany Williams and I can’t help it if I’ve shopped at Lane Bryant since I can remember. And yes, I’ve been a victim of those fad diets. You name them – I’ve tried them. Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig, Cabbage diet, Grapefruit diet, diet pills, Phen Phen (which really worked until they took it off the market), L.A. Weight Loss Center, the list goes on and on and on. I’ve done it all and the sad part is that I’m still at the weight I was when I originally started the dieting madness. Exercise and me definitely are not friends so I’m not even gonna go there. That’s a setup from day one. I’ve had hind parts, that’s what my auntie calls ass, since I was nine and now that I’m twenty five, why am I thinking I can get rid of it now? I’ve decided to be happy with all two hundred plus pounds of me because if I don’t then who will? So I’ll be fat, no biggie. People always said I had a cute face, which is a compliment within itself. Even though I’m a heavyweight and irrational and plenty of other things, I usually get what I want when I want - so whatever!
Reading Writes is a newly developed company which specializes in promoting and distributing self published literature by independent authors.


I'm Wanda Monique Hamlin and I am the founder, president, CEO and everything else of Reading Writes. I'm a newly self published author and I was shocked to find that there weren't many resources available to help me promote my book. Because I'm not with a big name publishing company, it is extremely difficult to spread the word about my book. I wasn't sure if I was the type that knows exactly how to "sell myself" but I am. So I used my business savvy and decided to step out on faith and become an entrepenuer in the literary arena. Hopefully, I'll be able to be a resource to other up and coming independent authors who will need a helping hand in the promotion and distribution process. If you're an aspiring author and you're interested in what you've read so far, please send me an email, the link is at the bottom of the page.

Now that we've gotten all the preleminaries out of the way, let's talk about me!!!! I am so incredibly excited to have the opportunity to share my talents with the entire world. Never in a million years did I think I'd become a published author, let alone see my book floating on the internet. I didn't write this novel to see how much money I could make or how many I could actually sale but I wrote Issues to see if I could actually start it AND finish it. That was my main purpose...and I did it!

I'm sure you're wondering what my bio is so here goes. I'm originally from Suffolk, Virgina but I currently reside in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. I "daylight" as a civil engineer for a major planning organization in Washington DC. Hmmmm, outside of writing, I don't do much else. I actually wrote the novel in 1999 but it took me three long years to find the right publishers. I searched online and happened to find 1st Books Library and I must say they have treated me well thus far. My second novel is already completed and I'm just waiting to send it in for publication. The newness of my first novel hasn't worn off yet, so I'm just waiting and enjoying this one day at a time.

Now about the book. I chose the title Issues because I knew that everybody, and I do mean everybody, could relate. As the saying goes "if it's not one thing, it's another" and in turn that means "you got issues". The main character is Mahogany Williams. She's your typical black female just trying to make it the best she knows how. Her career is successful but at the same time she continually struggles with her weight, her relationships with men and how she relates to and with women. I know that on several occassions, we've all dealt with not having enough money or your partner acts crazy or none of your clothes fit right, the list goes on and on and I know you will be able to relate to Mahogany's woes. She is someone who's real and she doesn't have a problem telling you what's on her mind. She's confronted with a proposition from her boss, Miles, and she has to figure out whether to follow her head or listen to her heart. What will Mahogany do? What would you do?

I eagerly wait for each of you to go out and get this novel. It'll teach you about love, hate, self worth, decison making and consequences. Sometimes it's better to read about issues than to live them.
