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This dedication first and foremost goes to Amanda.   Without you I wouldn't have my program to make my videos (the U Mix!!), nor would I have half the scenes I've used, nor the music, nor my shippy CD, nor my first inspiration for making videos (Does that cover it all??).  Oh, and you're the coolest X-Phile I know. Here's to MSR, certain guys leaving us alone, and toasty LA weather!

To Ally for giving me my first beta job and reviewing my vids before they went to the masses.

To my roomie last year who didn't understand but feigned enjoyment of one of my favorite shows.

To Sandra -- so I didn't feel like a total loser. ;-)

Shakerbaker for her coolio videos.  Yet another inspiration.

Amy at the Haven for everything -- screencaps, news, message boards, and everything else!


Are you still actually reading this? I'm amazed! Thanks go out to YOU!