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               Transformation & Revival Ministries Bringing Gospel Witnesses & Experiencing the love and presence of   God to the People of God, To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them that are sanctified by Faith.      (Acts 26:18) 


The Commitment:

*                          This Ministries is committed to taking the Gospel to pioneer areas and unreached people groups in the most unreached regions of south Asia and in becoming radical disciples of Jesus Christ to help fulfill the Great Commission at the cost of even Our lives.

*                       To see the tragic plight of the lost, desperate souls far off in sin through the eyes of Jesus, to understand and reflected the Father-Heart of God, which can only reach the down-trodden, the cast-offs, the sick and the needy.

*                       Committed to be more like Jesus; humble, given to sacrificial life; to be Bible-believing and Holy Spirit led Christians; to be free from earth stains with more longing for the things eternal; to the rather foolish in the eyes of men than in the eyes of Jesus; to love and to share, as Jesus did in bringing the salvation to a sin-torn world.

*                       To raise-up radical, fire-brand disciples of the Lord, to build them up in faith to a whole some follower of Jesus Christ.

*                       To train, equip and send harvest –workers in hard and most desperate regions. The more difficult the region, the must be concern. The sheep needs most lost needs Jesus the most.

*                       To build churches of people of god, rather than buildings and material resources. To never store but to spend and give for His work.

*                       To bring in unity and love in the body of Christ, to walk apart from the dogmas that defile the Bible which consists of the Old and New Testament.

*                       To inculcate compassion and passion for the souls of men and women, to encourage to do all that we do thinking in terms of eternity.


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