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The Owens Home Online

Welcome to the Online home of Tom, Summer, Ethan and Caleb Owens. We decided that a website might be a good way of keeping everyone updated as to the goings on of we who have strayed so far from the fold. Okay, so I guess we'll start with a review of all that's happened.

On August 23rd 2002 we left our basement hideout at the always bustling Lyle and Nita Owens Hotel for a life of solitude (no family) in Baltimore Maryland. So I guess that means we have been here just over four years now. And for the most part, we really like it. Tom enjoys going to the lab every day and saving the world and Summer and the boys have unimaginable fun at home. Well Ethan does anyway, mostly he drives his mommy nuts getting into things he's not suppose to. And Caleb is pretty happy as long as he's well fed and being paid attention too.

We have a really nice apartment in a great part of the city. Our surroundings are beautiful it's so green and there are SO many trees. We love the landscape.

We love our ward. It's much smaller than the one we we were in for the first three years but it's still nice.

Well, I suppose that was a pretty good update. It will change from time to time so keep coming back. Be sure to check out our What's New section where I will post updates on the most current happenings in our family. Love and best wishes to everyone! -Tom, Summer, Ethan and Caleb

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Thomas J Owens
Summer Owens
Ethan Adam Owens
Caleb Thomas Owens
Summers Cakes
Wedding Photos
Our Favorite Links
Summer's Genealogy Website
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