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My real scary stories!

note: These stories have really happened to me. These arn't fake!

The Sprite Can
Ok, one night, me, my mom and my stepdad were sitting at the bar (we eat at our bar in our house, we weren't at A bar!!) anyways we were sitting at our bar eating dinner and my stepdad (I call him Pal) was drinking a Sprite out of a can. Well, he got done drinking the Sprite and put the empty can on the bar and like a second later the can started spinning around!! Swear to God!! Then it stopped and it started spinning again!! Then it stopped and my mom said "Dad, if thats you spin the can again" and the can started to spin again!! We think that my dead granpaw (my moms dad) lives/haunts our house and I'll give ya reasons later. After it started spinning again it stopped and I went and picked the can up and it was freezing cold like it was in the freezer and I looked under the can cuz MAYBE there was an ant under trying to get out or whatever but there wasn't!! And to this day we STILL don't know what it was!!

One time, me, my mom and my stepdad was in the living room watching "Dallas" which just happens to be my grandad's favorite show. And all the lights were off (there are 3 lamps and a ceiling fan) and all of a sudden all 4 lights came on at the same time!! So we were just staring at each other for like a couple of minutes than my mom went to turn the lamp off near her and it wouldn't go off and them we tried the rest of the lights and they wouldn't go off!! So we stopped and waited for a minute and then they just all went off!!

Another Light Story
Last year on the night before Halloween my friend Stephanie was spending the night over my house cuz the next day we were going to this all day Halloween party thing and to get in the Halloween mood we were watching the 1st Michael Myers movie upstairs and my mom and stepdad were out at a restaurant so after the movie was over me and Stephie turned out all the lights and turned the tv off and went downstairs because we wanted to see if there was anybody on AIM to talk to so after we were done on the computer we went back upstairs and all the lights that we turned out and the tv was on!! We were FREAKED out!! We knew for sure that we turned it all off and nobody else was home to turn it on soooo....

The Phones
This is 2 stories about my phones. One time I was talking to my mom on the phone and after I got done talking to her I hung up the phone and went downstairs to watch tv. The I decided to call my friend so I picked up the phone next to me and I heard the busy signal thing so I hung up and tried again and I still got the busy signal!! So I went upstairs to the phone I was talking on before and the handel of it was off the wall and was laying across the ground!! And this happened another time too but it happened to my mom.

I was sitting at my computer and it was like 10 am and I smelled this strong smell of perfume and I looked up to see if my mom was around and she wasn't. So then I walked to my moms room and the smell went away. And I looked in my moms room and she was asleep! Then when she woke up I told her about it and she told me like a few weeks before she was going to bed and she opened up her window and a wind came in and she said that when it the wind hit her face it smelled exactly like her dads colonge! She said that she could still smell it when she layed in her bed and untill she went to sleep!

The Orb Pic
Last year at Christimas it was about 8 pm and there was snow everywhere and our house and bushes were all lit up with Christmas lights and it looked sooo pretty so my mom told me to go outside and to take a picture of the house so I did. I have to say this : IT WAS NOT SNOWING!! Anyways, we went and got the picture developed and me and my mom were looking at it and there were little white see-throu ball like things in the picture!! I mean, it would have beem ok if it was snowing when I took the picture but it wasn't snowing at all!! So like a week later I was watching "Real Scary Stories" on the FOX Family Channel and they were talking about how ghost travel around in little clearish-whitish ball things called orbs and they showed a picture with orbs in it and it looked exactly like what was in my picture!! Me and my mom were freaking out!!

My Cousin and our Grandma
Ok, well you know how I said that we think my house is haunted my my grandpaw, well we also think that my cousin's house is hounted by my grandmaw. One time I spent the night at my cousin's house and I woke up cuz I heard talking. Then I looked at my cousin and she was sitting straight up on the bed "talking" to our dead grandmaw!! She was saying stuff like "yeah, I'm being good and doing good in school" and she was telling Mom-Mom (our grandmaw) that I was spending the night and then she stopped and said "ok Mom-Mom, I'll see you soon." I just started to cry cuz I was jst scared and upset and confused!! Its was really creepy!! I can't even explain it!!

The Locked Door
This is the last one for now!! Again I was at my cousin's house and we were talking and it was like 1:30 in the morning and we were just talking about stuff and my aunt came in telling us that she had to leave cuz she works the graveyard shift at her job so she left and shut the door. So it was only us two in the house cuz my aunt is divorced so me and Ashley (my cousin) started to fall asleep and we heard the door shut all the way and then we heard it click like somebody was locking it!! But there was no way that that could happen cuz my aunt was gone and nobody else was in the house!! So we tried to open it and it wouldn't open even after we unlocked it!!

:|:me:|: -- :|:home:|: