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Frost MS Day Camp Form

Please complete all information - incomplete applications will not be processed.

Waiver and Release of Liability:

I understand that lacrosse is a physical contact sport and hereby give permission to participate in this Montgomery Lacrosse program.  I release, waive, discharge and convenant not to sue Montgomery Lacrosse, its directors, agents, coaches, and other employees of the organization of any, and all liability for injuries sustained while participating in this program.  I acknowledge that ultimate game scheduling is dependent on various factors, a number of which are beyond the control of Montgomery Lacrosse.

Participant's Health Insurance Company:      Policy #:        ID #:   
I certify satisfactory health to participate in these activities.  I hereby authorize the management of Montgomery Lacrosse to obtain emergency medical care for injuries or illness that might occur during this program.  I further direct all medical/hospital facilities to accept this document as authorization to render essential care deemed medically necessary in the event I am unable to be immediately contacted.
I/We have read the above waiver and release, understand that I/we have given up substantial rights by submitting this form and do so voluntarily.

Signature:    Date:     

Player Data
Players' Name:      Date of Birth:     Gender:
Parent's/Guardian's Name:  
Address:   City:   State:    ZIP:
Phone:  (H):  (W):     email:
High School or Youth Program:
School Grade:
Years of Experience: Youth   JV   Varsity   Adult  
Positions Played: 1)   2)

Day Camp Information

Please check the box next to the day camp(s) you wish to attend.

Selection:   Dates   Location Cost
7/21/2003 - 7/24/2003   Frost Middle School (9201 Scott Drive Rockville, MD 20850) $235.00
7/28/2003 - 7/31/2003   Frost Middle School (9201 Scott Drive Rockville, MD 20850) $235.00


Cost is $235

Method of Payment:   Check       MasterCard      VISA   
Day Camp
Office only
   CH # ________
   AUTH _______
                   Please make your checks payable to MONTGOMERY LACROSSE        
            (a $25.00 fee will be charged for all returned checks)
Amount Enclosed:$_____________
Credit Card#:       Exp. Date
Signature:  __________________________________________     




Thank you for choosing Montgomery Lacrosse

FAX completed Registration Form to:  301-762-1164 

Faxed applications MUST have credit card number and authorization signature.

Mail Check and completed / signed Registration Form to:


14412 White Tree Place  North Potomac, Maryland   20878

For additional information call:  301-928-6580
This program will begin on 7/21/2003  and end on 7/24/2003
Location: Frost Middle School
All participants must provide their own equipment - helmet, arm pads, shoulder pads, gloves, stick, mouthguard, and athletic supporter with protective cup. 
We do not rent equipment for league play.

Check this website often for further updates and new programs.

Refund Policy

No telephone refund requests will be honored. Refund requests must be received in writing 14 days prior to first day of camp. No refunds are permitted thereafter for any reason. No refunds will be issued for any reason once the camp begins including illness or injury. All camp refund requests should be sent to the attention of the Camp Director and can be faxed to 301-928-6580 or mailed to 14412 White Tree Place, North Potomac, Maryland 20878 Please include the camper's name and the camp they registered for on the refund request.

All refunds are subject to a $50 administrative fee.

Refund requests can be faxed to (301) 762-1164 or mailed to:  Montgomery Lacrosse  14412 White Tree Place   North Potomac , Maryland   20878