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May Blogs!
May 31, 2002 :: 6:25pm
Hey all! Welp, this is my last blog of May. ::tear tear:: yep. I won't be on the puter until Monday bcuz as always the weekends are MINE and I do as much as possible so I never get on. So don't get all pissy at me if you don't see any updates. I do have a life beyond the computer yano. And hopefully on Tuesday I might be adding some brand new pics of Memorial Day weekend and the weekend when me and Steph went to PA. It depends on how they look. OMFG! Guess what happened to me today. Well today was SOOO nice and sunny outside so I decided to get some tanning done and wash my car at the same time so I was outside wearing my new Alloy bikini (hey, its not like ppl don't walk around in their b-suits!) while I was washing my car and I looked behind me and the new guy that moved in last month was frickin' taping me! How fucked up is that! I mean it wouldn't have been as bad if he was some sexy 18 year old bcuz I would've been like "Hey, wanna come over!" but this man is like in his 40s and he lives by himself! So I was like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" and I flicked him off and he stopped taping and ran back into his house. So I went inside and threw some clothes on and rinsed my car off and stayed inside for the rest of the day. This guy just moved in last month and hes never even talked to me or my family before! Believe you me, that is NOT a way to get to know your neighbors! God, I feel so damn violated. So I told my mom when she came home and she said if he does it again we can call the police on him. But then she yelled at me for just wearing my bathing suit! Ugh...moms. You can prolly guess what Amys not gunna do any more! Ehhhh...I'm just glad I'm getting away this weekend. Me and some of my friends were SUPPOSED to go to Ocean City this weekend but o the news today their talking about 2 ppl who have just been murdered in Ocean City so we're all like "yep...nevermind..." so now I don't know what were gunna do. When does Scooby Doo come out, June 4th or 14th. I'm too lazy too look it up. But Shaggy is still a sexy thang! :D hehheh...I've got problems, ya'll should know that! :D Well, I just want to send out a KUDOS MAJOR to Cammer Bammerz bcuz she has a sexy new layout! How the hell does she make her layouts! Their soooo good! Welp, I guess I'm off to Tephies. Bye kiddos. ::waves::

May 30, 2002 :: 3:10am
New layout! woowoo! I was getting REALLY sick of that last one. I wanted a super nifty "Harry Potter" layout but this is all I have for now bcuz I don't really have enuf time today to fool with it. I'll try to find a better picture tomorrow bcuz I have to get ready to go tanning now. That my 'husband' (Harry Potter/Danny Radcliffe) walking in the back. yummmm...heh.

May 30, 2002 :: 6:40am
Howdy howdy! Hows yous ppls doin' today? Well, I'm pissesd bcuz I can't get to sleep! Do you see how early it is? Why am I up so damn early! gah! Well, I might add some more pics of me today that I scanned, well, only one of the pics have me in it and the rest are of my sister bcuz she wanted me to scan them for her. The pics are from us in Disney World way back in 1999. hmmmm...its weird that everybody thinks me and my sis are fake but yet I just keep adding new pictures! WEIRD! heh, anyways, I got me 2 new hate sites! WOOWOO for me! :D The first one >>HERE<< is called "The Amy Hate Site". Its great, you should check it out. The person who made it (I'm not going to say Nikki made it bcuz I don't want her to start crying about it again) said they have proof that I'm fake. Yeah, sure. They say that I don't have a twin and the pics of me and her when we were babies are from google images. WTF is google images?! Do you have a website address that I can go to, to see where you found those baby pics? No, you don't bcuz I got them from my photo album. I even have more! And obviously she doesn't know anything about being adopted. In real life they do split up twins. And then she says that I said that I had brown hair when I was younger but in my baby pics I have blonde hair. Um, did you even look at my pics? I have both brown AND blonde hair in my baby pics. Ooooohhh the ppl these days. And my second hate site is >>HERE<< and she calls herself Evyl Princess or some shit like that. yeah. Shes a bit mental. Just a bit scary. But its a great stuff I tell ya, great stuff! So just go and visit them just for kicks and don't forget to point and laugh yo ass off a couple of times! Welp, I reckon its time for a new layout, huh? I need a new one! I'm getting sick of this one. bleghhhh. Oh yesh, how could I forget, I'm so redoing my room! YAYNESS! I'm gunna paint it a new color and get a new rug, new furniture and all that shizz! woo! The bad thing is taking down all my posters! The horror of it all. hmmm, and I have no idea what color to paint it. Maybe orangeish...pinkish....ehhh, It'll come to me. I just want it to be really bright. I'm sick of my blue. And today is shopping day for Ames! yayayay! I need some news clothes! I haven't been shopping since like Thursday? Friday? And yesterday mah bud Naomi brought over my yearbook for me (sweetness!) and then we drove over to the Gym to see Andi and to work out for a bit. Well, I'm running out of things to bore ya with so I'm gunna go and try to get some ZZZzzzZZZzzz before I go shopping. Sleepy sleepy sleepy...

May 29, 2002 :: 7:32am
::waves:: Hey kiddos! Holy jeez...I haven't been here in forever! I haven't been on the computer since last Friday! Sry peeps. So thats why I haven't answered any emails or anything. I'm not trying to ignore ya! :D But I'm sososososo very excited! Yesterday I drove up to Best Buys and I got my copy of "Harry Potter"! oh yeah, oh yeah! Did you get it yet Erica? I'm sorry but thats the best movie ever! Plus I think that Danny Radcliffe is the SEXIEST! hellsyesh! Ohk, I guess thats all aboutt that. Now I'll give ya the DL about whats goin' on. Well, surprise surprise, getstring is down again. WTF is up with that? I like that gbookie and its always shutting down on me! arrrrg! Damn you getstring! And guess what. I got me ANOTHER copier! Actually, this time, my sister Ciara has herself a copier! A site called, which is run by a girl named "Becky", stole the pictures of my sister and shes saying they are her when she was a little girl. And she also has pics of "her now" but they are all different girls and you can find those pics at Fakers Suck. Go figure. But I have my reasons to believe that its past copier/faker/pic stealer Nikki who made that site just to piss me off bcuz she thinks that I made her shut her site down. pfffft, stupid little immature 10 year old girl. And theres also a new site called The Fakest Girls on the Web that has list of fake site on it and guess whos on the list. Yours truley. Yep, I have no idea how I keep getting on these damn fake site things. I mean I hva e pictures to proove myself and everything! But I also have my reasons to believe that Nikki made that site just to get back at me too. And I have no idea why she has to use my last name all the time. She put it on her "fake list" and she also put it on the Amy Haters Clique that she made for me. How the hell did she find out what my last name was? Is she some kind of crazed stalker or something. Its scary I tell ya. But she also list my bud Mackenzie on her fake list and she is SO not fake! So yeah. Nikki, just stop it. Its over. I guess I ould tell ya some stuff about this weekend but I'm really tired of typing and I'm sure you really don't care! ;D Well, I guess I can go work on a new layout, or just maybe a new picture. We'll see.

May 23, 2002 :: 1:20pm
If only you guys could see me now. I'm sitting here with friggin' MAGNETS all around my head bcuz I have a headache! My mom said it will take my headache away. hmph. Sure mom. My mom and her damn old-age medicine. Silly mommy. Anyhoo, back to business, today will be my last update until Tuesday bcuz me, my mom, my step-dad, my doggie and my bestest bud Steph are going to go camping at Cherrystone Family Camping and RV Resort a.k.a Bethpaige. We just call it Bethpaige for some odd reason. Its in Virginia! So for any of you who live up in Virginia, I just might see ya! Look out for me! I'lll be the little loud, weird girl with the blonde hair acting crazy! You can't miss me! HA! But, we gunna have us some fuuuuuun! Then my cousin's Jessie and Travis are gunna come up in their camper with their mom (my aunt Nancy) and then we're all supposed to meet Megan and James (me, Jess, and Travis's 2nd cousins) up there bcuz they live in Virginia and its all gunna be fun. The cool thing is Me, Steph, Megan and Jessie are all 17 and James is 16 so were all the same age. Well, except for Travis, the little munchkins 12 but we still love him! Isn't it too weird how most cousins are all the same age? Anyhoo, but its gunna be A LOT of fun! All I know so far is we're going to a dance/club thing, we're gunna go on this cruise boat, and we're going to go to the lake house that Megan and James mom and dad owns to go stay for a while and swim and just to spend the day there. I love their lake house! Last time we went on Sea Doos (Jet Skis) and raced on them and went water tubing and water skiing and stuff like that! Fun times. woooweee! I'll have to tell ya about it on Tuesday. I just can't wait to get away, yano? I can't stand Laurel no more! oh well. heh. I just read on my tagboard somebody wrote "Shaggy wants to shag you Amy!" or something like that. Funny stuff I tells ya! but Shaggy can shag me all he wants! mmmmmm...Shaggylicious! Boy howdy I have problems! But you guys still love me anyways, right? Am I right? PLEASE tell me I'm right! heh. And I just want to send out bunches of hugs n' kisses to my piggy, Tigger bcuz tommorrow will be the 1 week anniversary of her death. Thats the really sad thing that happened to me on Friday, May 17th. My little piggy died. RIP piggy poo. I love you! Well, I guess I better get my little butt in gear and get a packin'. Alrighty, bye you guys! Talk to ya'll on Tuesday! I'll miss ya!

May 22, 2002 :: 3:12pm
You guys! I so cant wait to see "Scooby Doo"! June 14th is too far away! I know, your prolly thinking "Scooby Doo? blegh!" but oh well, I like it! I've always liked Shaggy for some reason. I don't know why. ::shrugs:: So, how are you ppl? I'm just peachy! It looks like Nikki finally shut her site down! yay! Took her long enuf. I wonder why she shut down? heh! :D Well, like I said yesterday, today I went and added some new pics. Exciting stuff, eh? I added 3 pics of me, 2 pics in family and 4 pics of my pets. And that all I basically did to this site today. Well, I also made my gbookie match this lay but 'yawn'. Oh and to the ppl that have been emailing me and calling me fake, STOP! Just bcuz I got approached by a model and acting agency and I told ya'll about it doesn't make me fake! That does happen to ppl yano! And I never said I was a model! I don't want to be a model! I want to act! Does that clear some stuff up or is there just something that can't get into your thick skulls? And whoever "your a fake bitch" is that keeps on emailing me telling me that my sister is fake, you need to stop too! My sister is not fake and I didn not get her pictures off some child model's site! Those are her REAL PICTURES and I can proove it! I even have a pic of both of us together on my site! Get a life and stop emailing me about it! I don't want to hear about it! Is there anything else you ppl want to make up just so you can bitch at me about it. Get a life ppl! Seriously, this is getting so old! I need to stop bitching about stuff so much! I feel bad about all the ppl that I <333 that come here bcuz they have to read it all! I'm sorry you guys! I still <333 you all! Alrighty, I feel like going and watching "The Goonies" for the 7564764864th time! Obsessed much? :D Well, Mikey and Chunk are 2 of my sexy husbands soooo...hehehe! Ohhhh I have issues! Then after I watch that I guess I'll move my room around. I need a bit of a change in there. Ok, I'll talk to you sexys later! ::kiss kiss::

May 21, 2002 :: 3:16pm
Welp, heres my new layout! Its not exactly how I pictured it would turn out, but its good enuf. No use wasting my life trying to perfect a layout, huh? But I'm still trying to work on it a little. I want it to at least look halfway decent! :D I need to get PSP so I can make some good layouts! heh. Well, looks like somebody got themselves a new sexy layout! Kudos to you Cammerz! <333 I don't have enuf time now but tommorow I'm gunna scan and add some new pictures and make all the colors match on my pages. Its kinda weird that this layout is all Christmasy looking. I was trying to go for a summer look! :p But I'm prolly gunna get sick of this layout soon. Don't ya just hate that? Well, I'm off to Crystal's cuz shes the BRITHDAY GIRL today! woowoo! And happy bday to you to Rooster! I love all my May bday ppls! :D We're all so speeeeeshal!

May 20, 2002 :: 2:15pm
::later on that day:: Well, this isn't the 'new layout' that I was talking about but I just wanted to change the picture for this week. I'm still working on the new lay, k? Its not the best picture I've had, actually its pretty crappy but oh well. Anyhoo, I just came back from the mall and guess what happened! I was in Express looking at a pair of jeans and this lady named Alisha came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be a model/actress! I was like "OMG YES!" and she gave me this card. Shes with an agency called Dynasty Productions and their scouting for to-be models and actresses in my area. Alisha said that the agency will contact me sometime this week about a commercial their going to do! Wish me luck ppl! I just might make it to Hollywood afterall! ::crosses fingers:: Well, I just felt like telling ya that! Now go on and read what I wrote earlier today...

May 20, 2002 :: 7:48amwoowoo! Nikki FINALLY took my layout off! :D But shes STILL writing mean shit im my tagboard. Seriously, she really need to get a life. Its over and done with. But now shes put a new fake pic up. Actually its a new fake page. She says its "her and her cheerleading team". Um, sure. Its kinda funny bcuz last time she put a totally different pic of a totally different cheerleading squad up. Weird! Plus the girls on that squad look way older than her. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, when will you learn. Ok, off of her for now. And YAY! Getstring is finally up and running now! I wonder why its stopped? So signsignsign away lovers! :D And I want to thank all the nice ppl who have been emailing me! I <3 you all! And this layout might be up for another couple of days bcuz I'm trying to work on a totally different one with a new design. This one is getting old. Hopefully that will be done by Friday. And the Amy Haters Clique Page that Nikki made for me is still up and running so if you haven't checked it out yet, go for it! Its pretty nifty! I feel so loved! heh. :D Okay, well now I'm gunna tell you about my weekend just bcuz I can! Well on Friday I went and got me hair dyed blonde again bcuz it needed a touch-up! No blonde jokes ppls. And I also picked up my new green contact lenses. I needed a change from blue. :D Then Saturday I went over to Steph's to go on a "birthday shopping spree" with her. That was pretty fun. We went to Laurel Mall and Columbia Mall. Heres everything I bought: 3 pants, 3 shorts, 4 shirts, a new pink and white purse with a Hawaiian theme, a new toe ring and matching anklet, a 'friends' picture frame that you can put lots of pics in, a picture holder I can put in my car, ADIDAS perfume, a pair of shoes and just some little cute stuff for my bedroom. Me=HAPPY! And I also got the new Eminem cd "The Eminem Show" too! I know it doesn't come out until June 14th but my friend Aaron asked me if I liked Eminem and I said yeah so he gave me the cd! I was all like HAILyeshh! Big kisses for him you better believe it! heh. :D That cd is so good too! In #14 "Hailee's Song" Eminem actually SINGS! No rapping, SINGING! Its kinda weird to hear him do that, yano? Well, I gots to go bcuz I have stuff to do as usual. Hasta la vista ppl. I'm out. But lots of kisses go out to Lissa bcuz I forgot her in my last blog! Sry sweetie! I <3 you!

May 17, 2002 :: 8:24am
Well, something really sad just happened to me this morning but I'm not gunna talk about to you ppl. Anyhoo, on to this gay layout stealer thing. Seriously ppl, can we just grow up for 5 minutes! And Nikki can you just cooperate and take my layout off bcuz you know that you or "your friend" took it from me so stop blowing this all out of proportion and just take it off and make a new one. Its not that hard, really! And its so obvious that Nikki is also writing all that mean stuff about me in my tagboard bcuz just by coincidence all that started to come once I busted her for stealing my layout. And now I have a Amy Haters Clique Page. Hmmm...I wonder who made that one...its a mystery ::coughnikkicough:: But its great, you sgould check it out! Its all for me too! But Nikki really needs to start growing up. I mean, I know shes 10 but she doesn't have to act like a fucking baby! And it funny bcuz ppl are saying I don't own this layout, um, yes actually I do. I thought it up, I made it, its copyrighted, its mine, I own it! And "somebody" wrote in my tagboard u think ur a model? Nikki makes a better model than u! where the hell does it say that I think I'm a model! Nikki, get your stories strait and quit writing all this dumb shit! its only making you look stupider! And no matter how much shit your gunna keep writing about me I'm NOT going to close down! I'm not a little pussy like you are! Well, I guess thats all about that for now untill later. Here are some plugs for now! I <3: Ciara, Cami, Quartz, Rich, Shelby, Minderz, Erica, Alyshia, and a sheshal shoutout for Kelly for being a sweetie and being my new l/e! I love all you guys! If I missed anyone tell me and I'll put you in my next blog! ::kisses:: And I'm not going to be on the computer at all this weekend so I'll talk to ya'll on Monday! I'm outtie.

May 15, 2002 :: 7:03am
OMG! Is this Nikki girl slow or what? All I did was ask her to take my layout off her page and make a new one and she STILL didn't do it! How hard is it just to do something as simple as that? Now shes saying something like she didn't make the layout but "her friend" made it for her and she didn't know I had a new website...uh huh. ::rolls eyes:: Well Nikki, now everybody knows that you stole it from me (its so obvious) so just take it down now! Thats all! jeezzz...ppl these days! And she also need to take down the pics she stole from ppl on her friends page bcuz its obvious those are not her real friends! Shes what...10 and those ppl look like way older teenagers except for Sydney, but you can tell she got that pic from a modeling site! I guess thats all I got to say about her for now. Lets just see what happens. Anyhoo, I had to get a NEW GUESTBOOK bcuz getstring is not working for some reason. The new gbook is also called my backup gbook. So go ahead and sign it if you want. The thing is I don't know if I can respond back. I'll have to check it out. Well, I gots to go bcuz I have to get gas in my car, buy stuff for my guinea pig, grab a smoothie, and finish shopping for Stephie's bday presents. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPH! <333 ya!

May 15, 2002 :: 2:32pm

Good God, well, I got myself ANOTHER copier/faker. Nikki, the copier/faker, went and stole my entire layout! Except she put her own graphic that she made instead of my dog one and she changed her links and wrote some different stuff on the outside columns but its basically my layout! Check it out for yourselves! So I got pissed and wrote her this email...
OMG! Why the hell did you steal my layout?! The only thing you changed was the picture and your links. God, ppl like you just piss me off! Did you think that no one was going to find out, or that I wasn't going to find out? What a loser. And the thing that pisses me off more is your half fake! I mean your pics might not be fake bcuz...heh, just look at them...but your friend are DEFFINATLY fake and your house was fake and your pets could be fake (the pics of them look like they were off a website) and I'm sure your a model...::rolls eyes:: Could you be any faker? And I read in your blogs that you said "please dont diss this site cos i have put ages of hard work into it!" What kind of hard work, searching around all day for a damn layout to steal off of somebody? Seriously, you really need to take off all the stuff that you stole from me like your WHOLE LAYOUT and do something of your own! I'm going to post this on my site so everybody knows about it. So just take it off, thats all.
She BETTER respond and take my layout off RIGHT SOON too! Can you guys help me bust her until she takes my layout off? Thanks! <333 Now go below and read what I wrote earlier today...

May 15, 2002 :: 7:03am

Which Piercing are you?
Yep, that pretty much describes me! And thats the piercing that I'm destined (sp?) to get! HAILyesh! Anyhoo, onto todays venting. Hmmm, so I see all those damn "Amy is pregnant" rumors stopped. I wonder whyyy...heh. :p but now ppl are saying a girl named Joannie is ugly. Who the hell is Joannie? I don't have a picture of a girl named Joannie on my page! I don't even have a friend named Joannie! You guys always need to be talking shit about a person you don't know. Its pretty sad, I guess you have to do it to make you feel better about your own insecure self. Grow up! Well, I guess I'm done with that. Why do I always end up writing about bad stuff when I begin my blogs! Thats not supposed to happen ppl! Lets make this a happy place now! Ohhh I'm a dork! But you still love me, right? RIGHT? good! :D Well, on to the good stuff! wheeee! My sister moved her page here and shes very happy about it! I kinda helped her out with it but she wanted to be 'independant' and do most of it on her own so I let her. But I don't like how most of it looks so I might work on it for her some today. BUT GO CHECK IT OUT AND TELL HER YOU LOVE IT! heh. :D And speaking of my sister I got this really big package in the mail yesterday and I opened it up and there were 30 little cards in there that were made by Ciara (my sis) and each or her classmates from school! They all had little messages and poems and stuff on them telling me that thay hoped I got better and things like that! Then there was this really big poster sized paper that each of the kids including Ciara signed again for me. Plus there was this really cute teddy bear in the box that they bought for me! I was about to cry when I saw all that! Too see the signed poster-> click and to see the teddy bear-> click. I had to make the pictures way smaller bcuz they were kinda...big...sooo yeah. And sorry the poster looks retarded, but it was too big for my scanner so I had to scan different parts and try and peice them together. But anyhoo, its so awsome how small things like that can make a persons day, yano. I love kids, their great! <333 So, I guess that all for now. I have to get ready to go out and do...stuff. More later but bye for now. I'm off! To the Pimp Mobile! varoom...

May 13, 2002 :: 7:00am
Ohhhh you guys crack me up. you really do. Seriously, pregnant? Me? wahahaha! Where the hell did that come from? Oh, and the girl thats claiming to be my friend Kiersten is a dumbass! Kiersten is a friggin' 2 year old! Shes my friend Shante's little daughter that just turned 2 on Thursday! See her picture here. That pic was taken at her bday party on Thursday. So if your gunna pose as one of my friends make sure you do your homework first, ok? And sorry if I haven't been updating, I've been too busy having a life! I don't even know why I keep this up! All you ppl do (well some of you) is bitch all the time! If I update too much I have no life. If I don't update enuf than I suck. Get over yourselves! Oook, I guess I'm done venting for today. Well, this weekend was pretty fun! :D I went up to my dads house so yay! On Saturday we had a busybusy day! My sister had a soccer game which they won at the last minute. It was 0-0 all the way thru until like the last minute when Heather (a girl on her team) scored a goal. Then after that me, my sis, stepmom and dad went to the mall just to shop for a little bit. I got the cutest toe ring and 2 new shirts. Then after we went shopping we went and saw Spiderman! That movie was so good! You guys should go see it. Then we went to dinner and to the skating rink our friends Patty and Bill own. So we stayed there from 8:00-11:00pm just skating and talking, yano. Then on Sunday me, my sister, my stepmom and my dad went to breakfast with my sister's friend Heather (the girl on her soccer team) and her mom and dad, Doug and Teressa. Then all of us, minus Heather and her family, left to go to Gettysburg PA because my dad wanted to check out this campground called Round Top then we went to Gettysburg Village to shop around for a while. I got a purse and a pair of Roxy shoes from Pacsun, a visor, necklace and anklet from Claires and a strawberry smoothie from the food court. See that picture on the <--left<-- that says Little Devils? ^^^^^^^ Me and my sister took that in the food court yesterday (May 12th, 2002). I'm the taller one with the stupid looking smile. heh. Then after we got done shopping they took me back home in Laurel to my mom's house. And here I be! Well, I'm gunna get off now so bye! Oh yeah, today, one year ago, I met my twin for the first time. I don't think you care but oh well. ;D

May 8, 2002 :: 7:59am
Happy Got'cha Day tooo meeee! :D Well, since I know that you guys have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, I'll tell you what 'Got'cha Day' is. On May 8th, 1985 (6 days after I was born) was the day that I was officially adopted by my mom and dad. This was the day that I went home with them. So around here we treat it like a second birthday for me or whatever. Yano, I get presents again and stuff! So yay for 'Got'cha Day'! heh. So, how was er'body's yesterday? Mine was a-ok! I went to school from 8-9am. funfun. Then after that I went to the mall and picked up a couple of things. I got this really cute toe ring from Guess? and its really small/skinny and its silver with a little pink diamond in it. Its cute. Then I drove over to CVS to buy some film for this weekend bcuz I'm going over to my dad's house and I got some makeup and picked up a birthday card for Kiersten. So many bdays in May! Then I went next door to good ol' Baskin Robbins and got my usual strawberry smoothie! Those dern things are so yum! :p Then I just went home and slept for a while. I <3 NAPS! Then I woke up and went on a cleaning rampage in my room. It desperatly needed it! I mean I super scrubbed that shyt! Its nice and shiny now. <3 So that was my day yesterday. I didn't even get on the computer! busybusybusy. Well, this weekend is gunna be GREAT bcuz I'm gunna see my dad/stepmom/ sister for the first time this year! yay! I can't believe that I haven't seen them since Christmas! I've just been so busy/sick I haven't had a chance to get up there. Well, I guess I better get going to update a little bcuz boomspeed is all screwed up and deleted some of my pictures so I'm gunna have to upload them all over again and my sister wants me to put her pictures back up too. Well C, your gunna have to start updating your site more too. I can't wait to see you this weekend! And happy belated bdays to my on-line bud Alyshia and my off-line bud Anna whose bdays were yesterday! I love you guys! ::kisses:: Well, enjoy my link-filled blog! Talk to ya'll later! :D

May 6, 2002 :: 2:21pm
new layout! you like? huh? HUH? :D ok, now read my blog below...

May 6, 2002 :: 7:52am
HUH? WHAT? BRITNEY SPEARS GOT BUSTED FOR SMOKING? heh. ::waves:: Hey kids! Well, I'm back! ::cheers:: Ok, there are some things I just need to say. I was reading my tagboard and I thought that I should talk about some of the stuff on there that you ppl are so damn pressed about. Ok, lets just start out with the simplest thing. Who the hell is saying I'm gay just bcuz I have the color purple on this my last layout? Seriously, how dense are you? Since when was it bad for girls to like purple? Its a girly color! Alright then. Now lets talk about the whole weight thing. YES, the truth is I really do weigh 105 pounds! I mean , check my friggin' drivers license for Christs sake! WHY THE HELL WOULD I LIE ON MY DRIVERS LICENSE?! YOU CAN'T! Your not allowed to! And how the hell would any of you know that I don't weigh 105 pounds? Do you know me in real life? NOOOO! Have you weighed me before? NOOOO! Do you have proof? NOOOO! So don't say shit if you can't back it up. And the last thing is I see ppl saying my site sucks and you only come here for laughs (??) blah blah blah...why the hell do you keep coming back? Don't come here if you don't like my site? Its as easy as that! Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Obviously you don't. ::whew:: Ok, well I guess I'm done venting for the day. Sorry to all the ppl that don't hate, I just had to get that all off my chest. Well, anyhoo, how was ya'lls weekend. Mine was peachy keen! :p Well friday was nothing speshal. Me, Steph, Crystal, Rolondo and Ryan went to Blockbuster to rent "Not Another Teen Movie". That was the stupidest-funny that I've ever seen! Then we just stayed at Stephs and just chilled for a while. Then on Saturday me, Steph and Crystal went shopping at Laurel Mall. I got 5 shirts, 2 pants, a pair of pajama pants that has hand prints on the butt and says 'Hands Off', a pair of pink pajama pants, 2 pairs of shorts, Spongebob buttons and 3 thongs. I scaneed one of my shirts and the design on my thongs just for the hell of it. One of my shirts I got at Spencers and its says "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them". heh. Look at it here! And now for my thongs. There are just the designs, ok? Not the whole thong! The first one is here. Its black and has my intial (A) on the front. Steph and Crystal each got a thong like that but theirs has their intiala on it. The second one is here. Its pink and has lips on it and says 'Kiss Me' on the very top. And the last one is here. It looks like guys briefs but its pink and a thong. And it says 'Caution : Contents Extremely Hot'. Than after we went shopping we went to Baskin Robbins to get smoothies then we went bowling for a while. Then we went home and picked up Seth, CJ and Ryan and went to the Montpelier Mansion Festival. Then like around 8pm me, Steph, Crystal, Seth and Shane went mini golfing. Then we came home and yeah. Then me, Steph, Toya and Crystal got a little bored so we decided to sleep out in a tent in Toya's backyard. But the funny thing is we never di get to sleep. We just basically walked around the neighborhood in our pjs and went to the park all night/early morning. Then at like 6am we all drove up to Baskin Robbins , IN OUR PJS, to get some smoothies. Hey, their addictiong! Then came home and made Ryan, Seth, CJ, Patrick, Shane, Aaron and Rolondo (everybody!) get out of bed and come outside. Then we just stayed home for a while and played basketball, soccer, whatever. Then we went to Lakefest 2002. We were going to go see "Deuces Wild" but I don't know what happened to that. Then I went home. blahness. Hmm..sorry for the super long/BORING blog! I just like talking! Plus I have a lot of crap to say. lmao! HA! Oh yeah, and yesterday I got "The Goonies"! SCORE! :D And happy birthday to my mom! Ohhhh I'm a loser. Ohk, I'mma go. Bye!

May 3, 2002 :: 8:01am
Well, another birthday done and gone. ::sigh:: Hey, only 364 more days, huh, huh? heh. So, ya wanna know what I got? Too bad, I'm tellin' ya anyways! :D I got a new cd player/radio for my car, $345, sunflowers, 3 cds, clothes and shoes! woowoo, sounds good to me! But my birthday kinda sucked ass to bcuz as you should know, I'm sick with mono (eck!) so I'm not in school now so I couldn't see all my friends. But a lot of my friends did call me yesterday to wish me a happy bday and Steph, Crystal and Seth dropped by for an hour to stay with me for a while. I feel speshal! <333 And another downside was we had frickin' tornado warnings again in our area! I'm so sick of all this tornado jazz! The schools in my area even got out 1 1/2 hours earlier bcuz of the tornados. And yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of the death of my doggie, Scooter. :(( She died the morning of my 14th bday. Anyhoo, today at 11am I have to go to some top doctor in DC to see why the hell my spleen's enlarged. I DON'T WANNA GOOOO! Last time I went to see him he had to take blood! ::shiver:: I hate that. But after me and my mom get outta there shes gunna take me to see Deuces Wild bcuz my sexie husband frankie muniz is in it! woo! yay for Frankie! :D And I will have to put up all my pressies on Monday or something bcuz I have to be gettin' ready now and I'm gunna be over Steph's all weekend so see ya'll later. Oh, and happy birthday Tracy! heh. Have you noticed how many birthdays there were in May? Jeez. :D

May 2, 2002 :: 1:30pm
well, I went and uploaded all the pictures. Well, theres not that many but oh well. Here they be...
:|: my crackass dog.
:|: where my fishie Milo lives.
:|: closeup of Milo. hes so perdy!
wow. Well, those are the only pictures I did today. I'll add them to the picture pages the belong to tomorrow bcuz I'm about to get off here and drive somewhere. Anywhere. I don't care, I just need to get out. Its my birthday for cripes sake! :p Well, I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully I'll work on my new layout tomorrow too! Lata!

May 2, 2002 :: 12:13pm
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Amy, happy birthday toooo meeee! :D heh. Well, if you couldn't tell, today is my birfday! I turn 17 at 3:00 this afternoon and my twin, Tiffany, turns 17 at 3:03. Well, so far I've done crap. Everybodys either at work or school and I'm stuck here all by my lonesome. Damn mono. But my friends have been calling me from school all day so thats making me feel better! I <333 ppl! And I want to thanks everybody for all the perdyful presents! I'll have to make a page and put them up! So muchos kisses to you guys and a whole latta 'screw yous' to the ppl that have been bitchin' in my tagboard for no reason at all. >:| Theres no reason for you to bitch at me since I've done nothing to any of you and you don't know me so get a friggin' life! Jeez, how many times have I said that? Pretty sad, huh? Well, I gots some more pics to scan that I just picked up yesterday so I'm gunna go and do that. Ta!

May 1, 2002 :: 1:11pm
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
<-- I WANT!
Oh yeah, and did I mention that I want that freakin' computer! Lyke, OMG! Isn't it the cutest thing! Well, it is! :D Have you seen its new commercial when the guy goes up to the window and starts to like dance with it or something! awww! lmao! I'm such a loser! Anyhoo, I just wanted to say that I added 4 more pictures of me. Their not NEW new, but their just some pics I found and decided to scan out of boredness. All the new ones have * NEW * under them. And I also added an archive section to the left column so you can see my past blogs if your bored enuf! :p And I also updated my calendar for the month of may. As you can see this is a busy month for me! ::whew:: Ok, well I'm outtie! ::kisses:: TOMMOROW IS MY BDAY! heh.

May 1, 2002 :: 6:54am
rabbit rabbit! tommorrow is my birthday! :D ok amyhoo, you ppl crack me up! Why you say? Oh, only about 12 tardasses emailed Jen saying that I copied off of her bcuz we both use the name 5tar! Its called getting a life, you should try it, its pretty nice! But I went to her site today to see if she said anything about and lo and behold, she did! Welp, just read what Jen said. Maybe you'll learn to keep your mouths shut! She said this in her blog yesterday...

"Gah! I got 12 emails telling me that someone copied off of this girl supposedly did. But, she really didn't. So she used the name 5tar...big deal! That is the same crap that was said about me supposedly copying off of Okay, to me, copying is taking pics of someone else and saying they are yours, copying the whole damn layout and saying you made it, and just trying to be like someone else. Amy's site looks NOTHING like mine, so chill out people! :P And to the person that said I should host her, you're right... that might not be a bad idea. But, I don't even know if she wants a host, I'm just saying it would be cool with me."

so, are you gunna take that stick out of your ass and get a friggin' life? jeezus! TOMMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY! prezzies?...