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   Christ's Love In Action Ministry
631 Clyde Avenue, Fruitland, Maryland 21826 Telephone: 410-742-9663 Email:

A Lifelong Relationship With Jesus: Rev. Mills' Testimony

   I was born into a loving Christian family. At two months of age, I was “Christened” and thus began my life-long relationship with Jesus.

   My family moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland when I was four years old. We lived just across the street from a church, and began attending regularly. I went to Sunday school while my parents attended worship services. At age 12, I attended Confirmation Classes where I professed (for myself) that Jesus was my Lord and Savior, and I became a member of that church. Six years later I was married in that same church and began a new life apart from my parents.

   I became very active in a church in the new community where we lived. I enjoyed teaching Sunday school and working with the Altar Guild. One day the Sunday School Superintendent asked me if I knew anyone who spoke in a “heavenly language”. I explained to her that I did not know anyone personally, but I had heard about it on television. What she did next would change my whole Spiritual life!

   She gave me a book to read entitled “Nine O’clock in the Morning” by Rev. Dennis Bennett. The author explained about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that “speaking in tongues” was evidence that the Holy Spirit was living inside you. I was intrigued! She invited me to attend a House Fellowship with several mutual friends and I agreed to go. The power of God and the freedom of worship were unlike any I had witnessed before.

   As the weeks passed, it became my desire to possess the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues. On July 14, 1976 my prayer was granted and I have been on a “mission for God” ever since.

   It has been my privilege over the last 31 years to serve in Beth Israel Synagogue, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Living Stones Church and Bethesda United Methodist Church. In 2002 I completed the AA program at Christian World College of Theology and plan to enter the Bachelor’s program in the fall. I received my Minister's License in July of 2002. Currently, I look forward to working with the Satellite Ministries of Delmarva Evangelistic Church, of which I am a member.

   I live in Fruitland, MD with my husband, Bill, and son, Seth. We have a wonderful dog called Frank. God has richly blessed my life and I give Him all the glory and all the honor and all the praise!

Are you ready to make Jesus your Savior and Lord?

Then pray this prayer in faith and He will be!

   Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Acts 2:21, Romans 10: 9-10). You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3: 5 – 6, 16; Romans 8: 9 – 11) and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit and give me the ability to speak with other tongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4).

   I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for being Lord over my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit. I now speak those words and syllables I receive. And I worship and praise You, Father, not in my own language, but the language given to me by the Holy Spirit — in other tongues.

   If you have just prayed this prayer, you are a born-again, Spirit-filled believer. You’ll never be the same again!

Rev. Sandra Spayde Mills

Contact me at:

Letters of commendaton from the Governor of Maryland Parris Glendenning and United States Senator Paul Sarbanes.

For more about the graduation (and to see photos) go to Graduation Page.

Building A Ministry: Advice for Young Ministers

By Rev. Sandra S. Mills

   A successful ministry is built on the foundation of a willing and dedicated servant/leader. He or she is one who is called of God. And just like his predecessors, he submits to and becomes a bondservant of everyone he shepherds. He allows the Lord to reveal and solve any problems within his flock.

   New Testament ministries were entrusted to faithful and reliable followers of Christ who were able to teach and equip others. They were willing to preach, counsel and evangelize, serve as good examples, and suffer many hardships in an effort to minister to all groups, colors and intellects. They took time to learn how to become Holy. They were forerunners of present-day author John Bevere who said, "I refuse to entertain myself with things that nailed Him to the cross." And unlike the infidels, they provided for their own family and relatives (I Timothy 5:8).

   Those involved in Present Day ministries are encouraged to remain unique to their calling, and not become copycats. They should reach out to hurting people with love while continuing to study God's word. By growing on a personal level, they can stay ahead of those to whom they are ministering. Just as the Lord provides for them, they should care for their family's needs. Education, housing, and insurance are essential, but love and affection, both private and public, is a vital part of their ministry.

   A well-organized minister knows how to plan carefully and delegate work whenever possible. He sets appointments, paces his schedule, and knows how to relax. His ministry glorifies God and God will surely bless his ministry. Ministers are usually compensated by a salary or Faith income. Individual churches or organizations set other considerations and allowances such as a pension fund, medical insurance, vacation time, and sick leave.

   In order to operate a ministry legally and orderly, a church must file for tax exempt status (Form 1023). It must appoint a Board of Trustees who own and maintain the property. There must be a constitution and set of by-laws along with some legal counsel and financial advisors on hand to fill out and submit annual forms. A church must have members with voting privileges. Minutes should be recorded of all church meetings and stored with all other church and legal documents. A copy of Roberts Rules of Order is essential.

   A well-planned job description can help a minister fulfill his calling. While he is capable of executing many of the leadership responsibilities of a church, he is wise to delegate some duties so that others may function as ministers.

   All church meetings should have an agenda that includes a list of the topics to be discussed along with the date, starting time, meeting place, and ending time. It should be distributed to each group member one week prior to the meeting.

   To help eliminate stress, pastors must learn how to relax. By sharing their thoughts with a spouse or close friend can help put things into proper perspective. A yearly vacation and some satisfying outside interests also help reduce stress and frustration. Saving time is crucial and can be achieved by committing to yearly goals for personal development and professional accomplishment. Learn to do one task at a time, and always be on time. And above all, listen. Be quiet and hear what others are saying. If you know what your sheep need, you can be a better shepherd to them.

All material ©2002 by Rev. Sandra S. Mills, Fruitland MD 21826

Rev. Mills is not responsible for any material in the banner advertisement at the top of the page, and its being included on the page is in no way an endorsement of the content of the advertisement or of the advertisers. This page last modified on August 14, 2002.