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* Bethany *
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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mood:  energetic
My first blog entry, yay! =] I'm really horrible about writing in these sorts of things. I've had about, 38914732 blogs or journals online and I never keep-up with them. I write maybe 1 or 2 heart-felt entries, then start to just write about my day -- get bored, then just give-up. Heh.

Anyway. This past week, has been one of the shittiest. Jason dumped me. And, on top of that - after saying that he wants to remain friends - won't answer my phone calls, and seems like he goes out of his way to ignore me. How fucked up is that? We've been together for 3 fucking years, and yet he can just toss me out like I meant absolutely NOTHING to him. Yeah, what a way to make a person feel like shit. *Sigh* -- I really shouldn't let him get to me, because he's shown me that it's definitely not worth the trouble. But, I'm having a bit of trouble letting go -- as to be expected. While I was at Rhawnie's, though, I developed a bit of a "crush" on her younger brother, David. I feel like such a little kid, talking about my "crush", but I don't know what else to call it. He's the same age as me, except about 4 months older. That's really weird for me, because it's been a long time since I seriously liked someone the same age as me. He seems pretty mature for his age, which is really cool. He is like, the complete opposite of "my type" it's like new and exciting to me. That's so shallow for me to say that, but it's the truth. He's like, the "rocker type". He has long hair. He's like, not all gangster or preppy. He's got this stupid sense of humor, which I LOVE -- he's soo random. My favorite thing that he says is, "kinda like tuna." LOL, it makes absolutely no sense at all but I find it the most hilarious thing ever! =] I've been talking to him on the phone a lot, and every time I talk to him I get all giddy and smiley. It's great. For some reason, he "makes my day", as I've been saying. He called me on Wednesday night, because I think I'd called him earlier or something and he was calling me back -- either way, that definitely made me excited! Haha, I'm such a dork. Nothing like being almost-17 and still getting giddy and excited because a boy called me! I talked to him tonight for about, 2 hours on the phone. I've been talking to him every night basically for about 2 hours. I feel kind of rude, because I haven't been talking to Rhawnie as much but she's also busy with Mackenzie and everything. Rhawnie understands though, and she knows she's still and always will be my girl!

I'm going to go, though. It's after 2 and I need to get up tomorrow to get a shower and stuff. I'm going driving with Kathi, to learn how to drive a stick. I'm kind of nervous, but excited at the same time. I hope I do well, though, and don't start freaking out or something! Haha. I probably won't, though, because I'm not that comfortable being around Kathi -- which is fucked up in a sense, seeing as how biologically she's my mother. Anyway, I'll get into that at a later date. Goodnight! ¢¾

<33 Bethany at 12:01 AM EDT
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