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We've seen the studies, we know the health effects, we know it's 'bad' for us... but are taxes the answer?



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"Smoking a pack a day in Maryland costs you more than $1,575 a year!" -taken from, a website in Maryland used to stop people from smoking. This is one of their reasons they use to deter tobacco use. Do they realize that they make smoking so expensive?

New York City... Average price of a pack of cigarettes... ALMOST $7.00!!!!!! Stop taking advantage of the addiction!

Chicago Doctors want to add an immediate $2.00 tax to packs of cigarettes. WHY?

All this discussion about the recent Bush tax cuts,... supposedly to help the economy... How many people in the US smoke? MILLIONS...image the money in our pockets if they left us alone with all these damn tax increases on tobacco.

Can't smoke here, can't smoke there, where can we smoke? How interesting is it that smoking offends others around me? I don't see anyone adding a tax to spandex... And we all know that those that wear spandex SHOULDN'T be! I know, i know... wearing spandex doesn't cause ill health effects right? What about my mental health after seeing that god awful site?

Wait... how about a tax or ban on Big Macs??? I think we should have a $10 tax on all Big Mac sandwiches... Lets take advantage of the fast food addiction. Obesity is a national problem, yet we don't tax the hell outta those that visit a fast food restaurent.

For you non-smokers out there that have found my site and are laughing at me and calling me a fool... Try doing something you enjoy, then pay double for it, then in 6 months double the price again... Then watch the ads on TV and see how awful of a person you are because of that thing you enjoy. How would you feel if you weren't allowed in a restaurent because you DIDN'T smoke? Smokers are under attackf, and thats just not right.

I'm just now starting this site and will add links and such as I see fit. Feel free to sign my guestbook below or email me here. Please spread the word about this website, the more exposure we can get as smokers, the better.