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Melissa's Birthday Page


18 years ago Melissa entered this beautiful world with her smiling face and never ceasing laugh. She is loved dearly and her friend Megan wishes her the best 18th birthday she'll ever have(since it's her only) and a great 18th year here on earth.

Melissa may all your dreams come true...and may you never ever forget to dream. As sexy James Dean once said; "Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die today." And don't you ever forget that.

I also got you Mr. Dean for your birthday...he's yours as long as you want. Just don't lust too badly...he's kind of dead and that's kind of creepy!

And...just for you, in honor of your pet peeve of drivers:

And turning them off at the appropriate time, of course.

And...for your 18th birthday; a little advice. You may be 18 and now you can buy some things that used to be illegal for you. Whatever you do, however good the vanilla may smell...DON'T end up like Mr. Smoke please.

Also, you may now vote. So this is for you(and partially for my dad. Just show it to him and watch him turn red, take a deep breath, and start explaining to you your civil duty. He will go on to tell you how to choose the best Republican-not President, just Republican-and you will sit patiently and when he's all finished, tell him your voting for James Dean, cuz he's the cute one. And then call 911).

And one more thing. You are legal. You have freedom to date anyone of any age; be careful please.