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The Revolution of The Modern Political Arena


Affirmative Action

The First Publication

6/28/03 This article marks the first of many compositions I will be submitting to this small website in order to gain well needed experience in the process of creating and publishing my written works. The topics of my articles will vary, to the wide range of interest I possess. Hopefully, I will eventually become comfortable enough with this small publication to slowly enter a much larger public arena.

After living with the inadequate (to say the least) and biased media for most of my life, I have decided to take action against these mostly liberal dominated factions. Don’t get me wrong, I know this may sound crazy. I realize a small, unimportant website on this vast wealth of information known as the internet will make little or no impact on the modern set-up of communication. Though we all have to start somewhere, and this small scale experiment shall be my beginning.

For this first issue, my articles are entirely experimental, and may not reflect the true abilities of myself or the other writers that may choose to contribute. I would also like to take the opportunity to announce that I will be accepting any and all contributions to my website within the first few months of posting. After I have found a sufficient process in which to publish my site, I will be sure to edit these random publications and more closely monitor the quality of the material posted. Until then, please excuse the quality of this site and any publications found within.

Please address all possible articles to my e-mail address: Also, I will be accepting possible links to other related websites dealing with a similar set-up or in relation to a posted article, but please remember I will not post random advertisements for individuals.